Sunday, November 1, 2009


We had such a fun Halloween with our boys!  We've been ramping up for our costumes for a while, but I have to admit that I was not sure if Logan would want to wear is costume or not.  He's at an age where he wants only what he wants and its pretty tough to change his mind.  I was lucky enough to find two perfect costumes to borrow from friends and they couldn't have been cuter!  Here are a few warm up shots from a couple weeks ago when we gave the costume a pre-Halloween gig:

As you can see...Logan wasn't wild about having his photo taken, but he was actually pretty into the monkey thing and was making good monkey noises!

John came home early one afternoon last week (yay!) to carve a couple pumpkins.  Logan was so excited!  I almost forgot that John is the master pumpkin carver.  He takes out the seeds, scrapes those babies clean, and carves quicker than anyone I know!  Its great!  Logan was pretty into it this year, which made it superfun for all of us!

Logan picked out which pumpkin was "his" and was talking to it and hugging it the whole time!  Hopefully what happened next was not too tragic...

Ooooohhh...the insides!

You can tell by this sequence of photos that Logan loved the adventure of touching the pumpkin's insides.  We eventually got him to reach in and pull out some seeds, but he didn't really like the feeling and asked for a "washcloth" after!  We had really big pumpkins this year, so Logan's arm could barely reach the bottom.

We were lucky to have a coupe Halloween parties to go to this year.  It made the day extra special.  The first was before lunch and it was a birthday party for our friend, Andrew.  John was busy with a service project for YL, so I got the kids (and myself) all dressed and costumed and out the door by 10:30.  We got to see friends, play, and eat lunch in our costumes!  John finished up early, so he even got to meet us at the Crowser's new house for part of the party.

The boys and I were the first to arrive, so I had them get a quick photo of us!  I wasn't sure how long the costumes would last, so I wanted to be sure to have a photo!  I did my best attempt at dressing up a little and getting in the spirit - it was really fun and Logan loved that I was a ladybug!

My little Bennett Bear

My talking Monkey  :)

Bennett enjoying some time with Daddy while I chased Logan around...

He had TWO lollipops, so it was big trouble in the sugar department!  What a fun morning!  Then it was off to home for naps and to get ready for the next party!

While our friend (and YL leader), Katie, stationed herself at our house to hand out candy (trick-or-treating runs only from 6-8pm in EC), we went to Jayni's house for the big Halloween dinner.  It was amazing!  Tons of kids in their costumes, tons of festive food for dinner, lots of playtime, and even trick-or-treating in their neighborhood.  We had a great time seeing friends and watching Logan play and run around in his little monkey costume!

All the kids were so excited, just waiting for the clock to be at 6!  Logan did so great, saying "Trick or Treat" and "Thank You" at each house.  He's getting so big!  Click here to see last year's Halloween post and how much Logan has grown!

Our little trick or treaters!
It was really cold out, so we didn't visit many houses: just a few at the party and then a few of our neighbors' when we got home.  Logan proclaimed "I love Halloween!" when he looked into his basket of yummies.  We let him have a tootsie roll and then it was off to bed!  What a fun day!

1 comment:

Mary said...

What a fun day for you guys!! Logan looks like he is loving it even the insides of the pumpkin!! Bennett just looks like he is taking it all in and enjoying the moment!! Hugs, NANA