Monday, November 9, 2009

Bedtime Ritual

The bedtime ritual at our house consists of: (1) bath; (2) playtime; (3) snack - only if necessary; (4) brush teeth; (5) books; (6) lights out!  John is the bedtime guru with Logan.  He goes to bed the best for John out of anyone.  They have quite the sure is cute!  In fact, I've been told that when other people put hi m to bed, Logan is very specific about when, where, and how to do things "just like daddy".  Gotta love it.


After Logan's bath, they usually come downstairs to show Bennett and I which character Logan is playing (frog, shark, puppy, or ghost towels) and then to run around a little before getting pjs on.  Last night Logan had to comb daddy's was superfunny!

Then Logan went to bed like a champ!  He had the weekend with Papa and Nana, so he was tuckered out from all the FUN!

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