Monday, January 26, 2009

Life with Logan

Last weekend, we planned to have John's parents babysit Logan while we enjoyed an evening out...maybe dinner and a movie? Well, that plan quickly turned into two nights away while Logan stayed at Eiselts' house Friday night-Sunday. John and I spent two nights at the Westin in the Galleria in Edina, MN. The new hotel was beautiful and relaxing. We had a few things we needed to accomplish while we were in the Cities, but mostly spent time together, catching up on life. We called this our "Babymoon #2". Before Logan was born, we traveled to the same area for a long weekend away before baby...this was a great chance for us to shop, go out for dinner, enjoy Starbucks, and even a movie together before a few crazy weeks with Young Life and Logan Life.

Logan did a great job at the Eiselts'...he is such an adaptable little boy and loves being with different people (especially grandparents!). We feel very lucky that Logan has been so easy going about traveling and staying away from home. I think Grammy and Grandpa were a little tired when we left with Logan on Sunday, but all had a great time!

We had a great time, too, but caught ourselves looking at other children all weekend. Toddlers made us melt and miss Logan; babies made us melt and get excited for baby kumquat! It was a great weekend away, but we were so excited to have Life with Logan again on Sunday evening!

We stopped at a baby store to pick up a few things and one thing we came across was this potty chair for Logan.

I'm not sure if these pictures are okay to post, but we thought they were really funny! He certainly knows what the potty is for, but I am predicting it will be a long time before he uses it.

"My parents went away for the weekend and all I got was this potty."

1 comment:

Mary said...

Such cute pictures!What a big boy! I am anxious to see you all soon!