Monday, February 18, 2013

Our friend Reese

Our friend Reese came to play for the whole day today!  We had so much fun!  It was great to have another girl around.  I envision Eden and Reese being good friends!  Reese is our neighbor down the block and her mom, Molly, was one of our Young Life students when we moved to Eau Claire in 2006.  Molly and Blake moved back to EC from the south last year before Reese was born.  Now our girls are just a few months apart and its fun to have a friendship together as moms!  Crazy how things can change!  Molly is in grad school two days a week and her mom usually watches Reese for her, but I get to be her back-up babysitter.  Its fun!
The girls playing side by side.

And having a little coffee date.

I was impressed with how the girls did together.  They seemed interested in each other and didn't get too territorial.

While Eden napped in the morning, we took Reese out for some fun in the snow!

Her favorite was going down the slide on the playset!

Sometimes I held both was fun to snuggle!

The chair was a favorite spot, but surprisingly, they took turns!

Logan LOVED having Reese.  He always wants us to have another girl in our family so that its "even" (3 boys, 3 girls).  So, this was a perfect day for him!  Reese also loves the boys because they are so entertaining for her!  It was a no-school workshop day for teachers, so Logan was home with us all day.  Thanks, Molly, for letting Reese hang out with us today!  :)

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