Wednesday, February 27, 2013

This is how we do it...

What can I say?  I can't keep up with life and this blog!  I'm trying to get caught up but days are crazy and I spend my time with the kids rather that on the blog.  Here is a bit of what's happening this week:
Our friends Grady and Henry came to play.  Eden hung out with the boys and fit right in!

She LOVES this chair!  What a cutie!

Mega snow.  Again.  The never-ending winter!

Eden has figured out how to escape her high chair buckle and climb onto the counter!  Yikes!

Tuesday, February 26, 2013

Our XC Skier

Logan had a great time with his cross country skiing this year!  We used Christmas money to purchase his skis - they are a trade in program, so he can upgrade and switch out sizes whenever he needs.  We are hoping to get our whole family on skiis and enjoy some of our local trails here over the years.
John and Logan usually hit the trails together for Logan's class.  Logan would head out with the kids and his teacher while John would get a good ski on the trails and meet back at the chalet.  Today, John had a meeting, so I took all the kids out to see the fun!  It was the last week of skiing, so there was even a pizza party at the end.

 Our skier!

Bennett liked watching and even talked about getting his own skis next year when he is old enough for the ski program.

We walked Logan out to meet his class.

 When we got Logan out to his class, we headed back to the chalet to play in the snow.

John met us there soon after Logan went out.  Bennett had a great time playing in the snow.  It was pretty chilly so we spent some time inside, too.  Logan had a great experience in skiing this year and we're excited to do it again next year!

Friday, February 22, 2013

Just the usual...

Here's a sampling of our days....
The boys are awesome, champion cleaner-uppers!  Their job at the end of the day is to clean up the toy room and they do an awesome job!!

Eden's favorite food is scrambled eggs!  Yum!

Bennett has the best crazy moves when it comes to dancing!

Eden loves bath time!  She lays on her tummy and splashes around.  She even puts her face right in the water!

A little playtime in her room while I put some laundry away.  What would I do without this sweet little lady??

Tuesday, February 19, 2013

Taking a break

It was a no school day, so we came last night and spent it at my parents after Logan's skiing class.  Today we just got to run some errands and mostly hang out and play at Nana and Papa's!

Eden showed off her walking skills.  She no longer crawls at all!!

Monday, February 18, 2013

Our friend Reese

Our friend Reese came to play for the whole day today!  We had so much fun!  It was great to have another girl around.  I envision Eden and Reese being good friends!  Reese is our neighbor down the block and her mom, Molly, was one of our Young Life students when we moved to Eau Claire in 2006.  Molly and Blake moved back to EC from the south last year before Reese was born.  Now our girls are just a few months apart and its fun to have a friendship together as moms!  Crazy how things can change!  Molly is in grad school two days a week and her mom usually watches Reese for her, but I get to be her back-up babysitter.  Its fun!
The girls playing side by side.

And having a little coffee date.

I was impressed with how the girls did together.  They seemed interested in each other and didn't get too territorial.

While Eden napped in the morning, we took Reese out for some fun in the snow!

Her favorite was going down the slide on the playset!

Sometimes I held both was fun to snuggle!

The chair was a favorite spot, but surprisingly, they took turns!

Logan LOVED having Reese.  He always wants us to have another girl in our family so that its "even" (3 boys, 3 girls).  So, this was a perfect day for him!  Reese also loves the boys because they are so entertaining for her!  It was a no-school workshop day for teachers, so Logan was home with us all day.  Thanks, Molly, for letting Reese hang out with us today!  :)

Thursday, February 14, 2013

Happy Love Day!

Happy Love Day to our friends and family everywhere!  We started the morning off with love notes at our kids' breakfast spots and a couple special things for them to share.  Eden was the first one up!

Bennett was excited about his new Buzz Lightyear plate.  :)

I love a reason for a special breakfast!  Logan was sleeping in because it was another SNOW DAY!  We were all prepared for the boys' class parties today, but a bunch of new snow made for school cancelled.  So, I'm a lucky mom who got to spend Love Day with all her little loves!  :)

I thought I would take a quick photo of the kids to send to our family.  Simple, right?  Hmmm...maybe not.  Here is the sequence of photos I was able to get!

Oh well, they are totally cute because that is life!

Since we had 25 cupcake cones that were meant for Bennett's preschool party, we indulged in a few.  Even Eden got to try some - I couldn't deprive her while we all enjoyed one!  My how things change for the third child.

In the spirit of love, John used the last of his Chipotle gift cards to being home a yummy dinner for all of us.  Now that's love.  haha!
Hope your day with filled with lots of love!

Tuesday, February 12, 2013

Pancake Supper!

Today was the annual Noah's Ark pancake supper.  Baggie and Bopbop got to join us!  Its a fundraiser for Bennett's preschool and we are so thankful for this great place.  
Benny had gotten to try out the pancakes during class...he enjoyed another helping tonight.

There are lots of tables of crafts, so the boys both enjoyed creating with Baggie.

Eden stayed with Bopbop just long enough for a blurry photo!

Back at home after the supper, Baggie showered the kids with some gifts for Valentine's day.
Thanks for the making the trip over for Benny's special night!