Friday, May 4, 2012

Trip to Stillwater

We don't often travel anymore, due to preschool and our non-traditional weekends (Fri-Sat instead of Sat-Sun).  I miss the days when I used to be able to visit friends and family in the Twin Cities for a couple days during the week, but I wouldn't trade our schedule in Eau Claire.  The boys both love their little preschool and we've settled into a pretty good routine around here with John's days off being Friday and Saturday.

So, this week was special when we took a trip to Stillwater right after school on Wednesday.  I packed lunches and we left straight after school got out.  The boys were so excited!  First things, first: we had to stop at Kids' Hair for cuts.  My poor boys needed them so bad!  It was great to get that out of the way and then head to Nana and Papa's house!  It was only Eden's second trip across the border.  The first time was just a quick trip over to drop the boys at my parents' for the weekend in late March.  This was her first real trip - with an overnight!

The reason for our special trip was that my mom got tickets for "Giggle, Giggle, Quack" at the Stages Theatre.  The show was Thursday and we really enjoyed it!  We had great seats and since we've been reading the book, the boys were familiar with the silly story.

 Thanks to Nana for the fun show!

 Eden slept through the first bit of the show and then I excused myself to change her diaper and she was awake for the rest!

We also enjoyed our quiet (that's a relative term with three kids around!) time at Nana's.  The boys love to play with the toys and Nana and Papa love to oooh and ahhh over Eden.  :)  The boys and I even took a swim in the hot tub (complete with inner tubes!) while Eden hung out with N & P.
 Eden sure is growing...

and she sure is cute!

 Logan is sure to tell her everyday, "Eden you are the cutest in the whole world".

 She liked watching the ceiling fan in the porch.

Baby snuggles 

 "Take my picture, Mom!"

 Papa worked both days we were there, but we were sure to give him time with Eden when he got home.  No complaints from him!  :)  During our 1.5 day stay, my dad said he heard Eden cry for the first time ever!  She is a dream baby so far.

She loves to smirk and fold her hands in her sleep.  What a beauty!

1 comment:

Jen said...

Caedon was at Stages on Thursday too! He was there with his preschool:). Hope you are all doing well...we miss you guys. Eden is gorgeous...hope to meet her soon.