Saturday, March 31, 2012

Eden's Newborn Photos

My friend, Holly, once again took newborn photos for us.  The day was rainy, Eden was wide awake, and I was only on day 6 of recovery, so I wasn't sure how the photos would turn out...but they are perfect.  Eden is so beautiful...and our family is just perfect!  Enjoy!

Friday, March 30, 2012

Week Three With Eden

Eden's third week was a busy one!  We got back into the swing of things which included lots of running around with all three kids.  The boys were back in school and everything was in full swing this week!  Eden started to grab onto things and the boys love when she grabs their fingers.  She is a great sleeper and gave me a 7 hour stretch for a few nights this week!  Thanks, baby girl!

All set for the first day of dropping of Logan at school.  Logan chose her giraffe print fleece this morning.  He was a very proud big brother as he introduced Eden to the class and got to tell about how special she is.

Pretty in pink - this is the outfit we brought her home from the hospital in, and she has definitely grown!

The boys and I tackled a few fun projects including homemade bird feeders and planting grass in pots...

On our way to drop off both boys on Wednesday morning!

Nana came over on Wednesday while the boys were at school to have some special time with Eden. 

Nana with all three of her grandchildren!

Eden's umbilical stump finally fell off and healed up this week, so we started wearing some more cute outfits this week!

three weeks old

With her stump off, we started some tummy time...

Eden is so strong - she's been holding her head up since she was born!

Eden says, "Whatever, mom, tummy time is for me roll over!"

Logan had dress up day at school and chose to dress as a soccer player!

Whew...a whirlwind of a week, but a great one!

Thursday, March 29, 2012


I'm so thankful for friends who have been bringing meals to us all month and helping with the boys.  Today the boys got to play with friends all day long while Eden and I enjoyed the quiet at home.  Thanks Joe and Rachel!

Saturday, March 24, 2012


Who do you think Eden looks like?  We are a little torn - we can see a resemblance to both of the boys, but we hear from a lot of people that Eden looks like Bennett....what do you think?  I am not sure, but I think all these photos were taken when the kids were each 2-3 weeks old.

 Eden - 2 weeks



Thursday, March 22, 2012

Eden - Two Weeks

Wednesday, March 21, 2012


I'm doing my best to update the blog with all the photos from the last two weeks.  You'll have to look back for some of the posts, since I'm back-dating them to their actual occurrence.  Enjoy!

Tuesday, March 20, 2012

Baking or Biking?

We did a little of both today!  We've been keeping busy since this is John's first week back at work and my first week home alone with THREE kids!  Its gone well so far.  It helps that its spring break this week, so we aren't running to any activities.  Our only outing so far has been to visit Dad at the office.  The weather is great, so outside play has been wonderful, too!  Bennett has decided he needs his helmet for a lot more than just biking!

Monday, March 19, 2012

Pre Bedtime Snuggles

Logan is such a great big brother and cares so much for Eden. He songs to her, reads to her, talks to her and is always making sure she is happy. Logan likes to hold Eden as often as he can. Tonight he was sure to have a little time with Eden before going to bed. Bennett was already asleep. Pretty sweet!

Sleepy Girl

Eden still spends a lot of her day sleeping.  The boys are wondering when she is going to wake up and grow up so they can play with her!

Saturday, March 17, 2012


We were very lucky this St. Patrick's Day because Amy got to visit all the way from Virginia!  Andrew contacted me before Amy's birthday in February to see if she could visit us on March 17th if he was able to change her flight to Montana to have a layover in Minneapolis for one night!  Good thinking Andrew!  Amy arrived early in MN and drove over to Eau Claire to spend the whole day with us - and to meet Eden, of course!

Logan was sure to tell Amy how to hold Eden and how to use the boppy pillow...big helper.

It was another summer-like day so it wasn't long before John pulled out the hose and water toys.  I think the boys were shocked at how cold the water was!

And I'm not sure the slip n' slide was such a big hit - both boys went running down the plastic and wiped out right away...oops!

Amy just enjoyed snuggling her new niece.

John was a great short order cook.  We've had meals coming every two days since Eden was born (thanks to our friends, coworkers, neighbors!) so tonight he whipped up a bunch of leftovers for everyone.

Eden hung out in her wrap shirt for the second half of the day because it was plenty warm!

Amy with all three kiddos!  The boys thought it was great to have Amy here!

And I had a great time getting to catch up with Amy for a whole day!  Thanks for visiting (and thanks to Andrew!).  Love you!