Thursday, February 16, 2012

Pancake Supper

Tonight we went to the Pancake Supper at Noah's Ark - a benefit for the preschool.  My mom came to spend the day so that I could volunteer and help prep.  Then, we met Daddy at preschool after work to see friends and eat dinner.  The boys enjoyed a few of the fun kids' activities they have set up around the room, too.

 Thanks to Nana for coming to the dinner with us!

Part of the fundraiser is an art crawl where you can donate for your child's art.  Last year, my parents donated and we got Logan's big painting which we framed and hung in John's office at the church.  This year, my mom donated and we got this awesome painting Logan did of the "ocean deep".  Perfectly fitting for our ocean-loving son.  The colors are perfect, so I will have to frame it and put it in the boys' bedroom, I think!

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