Sunday, February 5, 2012

Best Weekend Ever!

I'm pretty sure the boys just had the best weekend ever!  Baggie and Bopbop just dropped them off from a weekend in Stillwater with them and the boys are so excited about everything they did that I don't know how life will go on...  haha!

John was away Fri-Sat speaking at Young Life camp for a college retreat weekend, so I had Friday evening, Saturday, and most of Sunday all to myself.  I will admit there was a lot of sleeping going on, but I also worked on some finishing touches for the baby's room, etc.  It was lovely!

 The boys were really spoiled with a trip to Underwater World,lunch at the Rainforest Cafe, and even new hats!  Logan was seriously going 100 mph when he came home - bursting with stories of the weekend.  The boys are crazy about ocean animals, so the aquarium is a big deal.  Thanks for the special weekend, B & B!

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