Tuesday, February 28, 2012


We are getting pretty excited around here!

Monday, February 27, 2012

Soccer Wrap-up

Tonight marked the end of Logan's 6 week soccer session.  We've been rushing out of the house on Monday nights - sometimes just John and Logan, sometimes just John and the boys (no mom).  Its been fun for Logan and he has been practicing drills and skills so far.  Bennett likes to go along and play on the other side of the gym with one of us.  Tonight, Bennett almost missed out because of a major mealtime meltdown, but after John and Logan left, Bennett pulled himself together and he and I got to meet up with them at the Sports Center.

 This was Bennett's outfit of choice tonight: rain boots and pjs.

 Logan is quite the ruler-follower.  He does EXACTLY as his instructors demonstrate...we've been trying to get him to loosen up a little!

 John and Bennett on the other side of the gym.

 Tonight was their first little game, so they got some jerseys and invited parents to come on the court, too.

 Totally ready to play!

 It was fun to see Logan practice his skills in a game!  He was great!

 Before long, Bennett wanted to join in the game.  He first jumped on the court with his own ball...

 but soon he was running with the pack of kids!

 Logan at first was super protective saying, "Go back Benny, you might get hurt!"  But Logan's teachers said it was ok, so then Logan started saying, "Come on Benny, follow me!"

 The brothers having a convo on the court...


 still ready...

 I think both teams scored a couple goals and the kids did great.  They had an awesome time.  It was a dream come true for Bennett!

 Bennett even got to be in the team huddle with Logan at the end.

Go team!  Yay soccer!

Saturday, February 25, 2012

My Baby (Girl) Shower

Today was such fun!  My friends threw the most beautiful baby girl shower for me.  The best was spending time with girlfriends, enjoying great treats, and even a little craft project all together.  My sweet friend, Mollie and her mom, along with our dear friend Lisa hosted this shower and it was over-the-top cute!  All the pink has really got me excited about Baby Girl coming our way in just 10 days!

The spread for brunch was amazing and delicious.  My favorite part was the punch, served in glass baby bottles, with the pink and white paper straws.  Adorable.


How cute are these fruit cups with place cards?

 There were treats and flowers everywhere - it was all just soooo pretty!

 I love this idea for a shower or even for a birthday:

each guest got to write out "wishes for baby".  It wasn't easy to think of what to write, but so very special for the baby and the mommy-to-be.

In another room, it was craft central!
These onesies were strung up, just waiting to be adorned by all the guests.

 After our yummy meal, we headed down to start our projects.  I opened gifts while we worked on making onesies and hair bows for Baby Girl.

Some of the finished products:

 So adorable, right?  Honestly, we could have crafted all day, but the fun eventually had to end...for now. :)

And, this lucky little lady came away with quite the wardrobe - and a few other fun things, too!  My friends couldn't believe it when I told them I haven't bought a single thing for her.  Seriously!  I have made stuff for her room and gotten a few items for it (like a new lamp), but I haven't bought any clothes - I haven't even really looked!  My mom and mother-in-law have helped fill her little closet, but today was a big help too!

Before leaving, I snapped a quick photo with Mollie because I thought I should have at least one photo of me at the baby shower!  Many thanks to my sweet and lovely friends for celebrating with me, spoiling me, and for spending the day with me!

Wednesday, February 22, 2012

For Baby Sister

The boys and I talked about making a little art for baby sister's room and today was the day!  In the last week, we've had the flu and lots going on, so this quiet project was just what the doctor ordered.  The dining room table has been craft central lately while I finish up a few projects for Baby Girl's room, so the boys were happy to join in.

 I asked them what colors they wanted to use and they both wanted pink and purple.  How fitting.  We added a few more colors, too.

 Logan really made a beautiful little canvas - he was intentional about using all the colors and making sure baby sister would like it.

 Bennett had a ball mixing all of the colors into a gray-like masterpiece.  Perfect in every way.

The boys are really proud to have their paintings in the baby's room and to have created them for her!  I am not sure if they really understand how soon she is coming...

Tuesday, February 21, 2012


Today we finally woke up to some sticky snow.  The boys have been talking about building a snowman all winter and we haven't had the snow for it...until today.  It only lasted a couple hours, but John took some extra time at home this morning to make sure Frosty was built!

Logan decided he really wanted the snowman kit with the hat and carrot nose, so John found it and they re-did Frosty...

Snowflakes started falling before we went in, so the boys had to catch a few.

I can't complain about the weather this winter, but we did enjoy the fresh snow this morning!  Frosty was pretty melty by the afternoon, but we've patched him up a little, so maybe he'll stay for a while yet...