Tuesday, September 14, 2010

So much happening...

With preschool starting, the UWEC students back in town, and YL gearing up, this has been a busy couple weeks for us!  September is both exciting and sad: we're are sad to see summer go, but always excited with the start of our routine and YL.  Preschool is amazing (I'll post more about it later), we've had a wonderful start to Young Life with several events already, and we've been spending lots of time with friends now that we're back in town.  Here's a collection of photos from the last two weeks:

Logan exploring is new play-doh set from Amy and Andrew.

Bennett loves to say "shoes" and wants to wear them around all the time!

Our friend, Brighton, has been in town for a month now and we've enjoyed lots of play time with him!  We'll be sad to see them go home to Chicago when Joey's rotation is complete at one of the hospitals, but  we're already looking forward to welcoming them back next June!

Cuddling with Daddy during some rare downtime.

I came home from running errands on Labor Day weekend and found the boys in their very own airplane!  Impressive!  I told John, "Only an Eagle Scout could do this...".

Painting the airplane.

My friend, Carrie, had her baby shower last week and I got to attend!  She looks amazing and is going to be a super mom!  Kim's daughter, Avery, was there with her Nana and it was so fun to see how much of a little girl she has become!

Bath and books with Daddy - the boys' favorite.

Stay tuned for more updates!  I'll do my best!

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