Sunday, September 19, 2010

Back to Castaway

Boy are we lucky!  We got to go back to Castaway this weekend!  We had about 15 Young Life leaders with us and it was great!  We enjoyed the most beautiful fall weather at camp.  The boys were so excited to be back and clearly remembered lots about our time at camp this summer.

We woke up to a chilly, but beautiful morning on Saturday.  The sun was out and by afternoon, we didn't need our sweatshirts!  It was perfect!  The boys got to run around and Logan even got to skip his nap to enjoy some extra time outside.

Bennett, on the other hand, slept in the stroller (just like this summer!).

John gave Logan a ride...

The boys playing trucks on the sidewalk.

Bennett loved it!  Last time we were at camp, he was not quite walking.  He had a great time keeping up with Logan!

While John had a meeting, we spent a little time in our tiny room.  The boys were being such hams!

This is Bennett's "Cheese!" face!

Yay for another trip to camp!  Lucky boys!

1 comment:

Mary said...

Cute pictures of your weekend at camp. The boys look so cute. So glad the weather was nice. Can't wait to see you all Tuesday!! Love, NANA