Monday, January 25, 2010


Almost every morning, John gets up with Logan, they make their breakfast and make "mommy's coffee".  Logan helps while John makes me a latte on the espresso machine.  Both yesterday and today Logan said "Mama, I wanna make a latte."  So today I said he could play with the espresso machine and pretend to make mommy a coffee.  He really knows his stuff...I think he's a Barista-in-training!

Getting ready...

This was our attempt at a smiling, thumbs-up photo!  I guess I snapped the photo at the wrong moment for this goofy face.

Espresso brewing...

Mommy's latte!  Yum!

My mom made this cute apron for Logan and he loves wearing it when we bake.  Today we made cookies for the YL leader meeting!

1 comment:

Mary said...

I hope Logan makes me a Latte someday!!