Sunday, January 24, 2010

Best Frosty Ever

Today we got a few inches of beautiful, wet snow.  Just the kind of snow we've been waiting for to make our very own Frosty.  Logan has been crazy about Frosty the Snowman since Christmas '08 when he starting singing along with us.  This year, he was a pro at singing Frosty!  Logan loves to shovel and walk in the snow.

Bundling up...such a process and so much work.  The kids are so good about getting all their layers on, thank goodness!

Bennett was napping and Mommy was making soup, so it was the perfect chance for John and Logan to get out and build a snowman!

Seriously...I think it really is the BEST Frosty ever!

1 comment:

Mary said...

What a great snowman or Frosty you made!!