Wednesday, September 17, 2008

New Things!

John is away for the rest of the week at a Regional Meeting in Illinois. So, Logan and I are getting by on our own! We had a fun day today and we're looking forward to Nana making the trip over to visit tomorrow!

It was a big day today because Logan went to the childcare nursery while I went to a new Strength Among Moms ministry (SAMmy's) kick-off. It was the very first time I have ever left Logan at a nursery or daycare! He did great and loved playing - up until I had to pull him away from the giant bin of Duplos when it was time to leave. I, however, did not adapt as easily. I dropped Logan off, then headed downstairs with all the moms for brunch and as soon as I told the first person I saw, "I just dropped Logan in the nursery for the first time...", it was waterworks! I couldnt' stop crying. Ugh - not surprising for those of you who know me well, but a little embarassing for me!

We spent the rest of the day napping together, taking a trip to the playground, reading books, and making dinner. A great day, but we miss you, Daddy!

"I think I'll text Daddy to tell him he should come home"


Logan loved the playground today and was rather upset when it was time to go home for dinner. He was digging holes in the woodchips, getting very dirty, but having LOTS of fun!

Dinner tonight was Pita Pizzas, another new recipe from my Deceptively Delicious cookbook. John got me this cookbook for my birthday and I love it! Logan loves everything I have tried and its a great way to get even more nutrients in his diet. These pizzas are so easy! A whole wheat pita with pureed spinach and tomato sauce, topped with a little mozzarella.

Deceptively Delicious...

or just plain delicious! Yum!


Mary said...

It looks like you and Logan had a busy day. I am looking forward to spending time with you today!

Mike and Sarah said...

Your post inspired me to brush the dust off of my copy of Deceptively Delicious and try to make the pita pizzas for Will. Unfortunatly, they didn't turn out nearly as well - I think I used too much sauce and spinich puree :( Will still ate them, but boy was he a mess afterward.