Sunday, September 28, 2008

Dr. Carrie

Today we were so lucky to have a visit from my good friend, Carrie. She is in her third year of med school and is currently doing a rotation with Marshfield Hospital and Clinics in Wisconsin. Since she is normally not within "visiting distance", she took the chance to drive over and spend the day with us.

Carrie and I got lots of time to catch up, and even went to Starbucks (while John and Logan went out to the tree farm). Then we all had dinner and spent more time playing in the living room. Logan loved Carrie...she is going to be a pediatrician - and it shows!! Its been a while since Carrie got to spend much time with Logan and she was surprised at how much he has learned! He was showing off his walking skills, teaching Carrie baby sign language, showing off his nose and hair on cue, and playing silly games!

Logan had a blast showing Carrie all his stuffed animals, and sharing them with her!
Poor Carrie had her arms full!

After dinner, Logan kept bringing books for us to read to him, he even wanted Carrie to read to her!

Thanks so much for visiting, Carrie! It was great!

Budding Artist

On Saturday, we were busy! Early in the morning, after breakfast, we tried using Logan's crayons. They sure occupied him for a long time, but he still isn't quite sure how to use them. Its cute, though, and he was proud of the picture we made (mostly I made) and held it up to show me when we were finished.

Then later that afternoon while John was out mowing the lawn, I made some vanilla pudding and colored it so Logan could finger paint on his hignchair tray. He wasn't too sure at first, but really loved the taste! Once he was done eating the pudding, he had fun swirling it around on his tray. It was fun!

The budding artist, himself.

Mr. Blue Lips!

Sugar High!

This may have set a bad precedent because we have the clear Crayola fingerpaints to break out soon...I am sure Logan will think they are for eating, too! Oh well, it was worth it!

Friday, September 26, 2008

Fridge Fun

We've been having lots of fun on our fridge lately! Logan discovered magnets a few weeks ago and has spent a lot of time playing with them. Since the only magnets I originally had were too small to let Logan play with. My Mom found the foam letters at Creative Kidstuff and then she made the little animals for Logan. So, I think John and I have been having more fun writing notes than even Logan!

September Sun

We are loving the September sun, being sure to get as much time outside as we can before the weather turns cold. To be honest, I am a little worried about keeping Logan busy enough this winter. He is sooooo busy and I know his activity level will only continue to grow! We're going to have to be creative, but for now, we are enjoying the outdoors.

King of his land!

We were lucky to have Nana visit for the day again this week!

Logan still prefers to walk with us or crawl, but continues to walk on his own when he wants to!

Our next door neighbors built a cool sandbox in their yard this summer.
Saige and Kiara are so nice to share with Logan!

Sunday, September 21, 2008

Indian Summer!

The weather this fall has been heavenly! We took advantage of the weather again this weekend and enjoyed our time in Eau Claire! Saturday we ventured into Chippewa Falls, just outside Eau Claire to visit Irvine Park, which has a small zoo, playgrounds, ball fields, walking trails, etc. It was fun to explore and Logan sure loved seeing the animals!

The boys in their Twins caps!

We liked the bears the best. They had the most room of any of the animals.
Logan was very intrigued by the big fuzzy creatures!

On our way home we stopped for ice cream and drove by these cars! We love the Pixar movie, Cars, so this was so cool to see! Tow Mater and Lightning McQueen!
Totally worth blogging about.

Trying on the Halloween costume! This will take some getting used to!

Logan found an interesting place for his edamame and corn...

Playing with cups before little monkey man.

Friday, September 19, 2008

The Return of Friday Night Lights

Tonight we went to our first football game of the year. We met with the Young Life leaders for dinner and then went off into the masses for one of the biggest games of the year: EC Memorial vs. EC North. The two local high schools are of equal size and usually pretty equal skill and talent, which always makes for a great rivalry. The whole town gets pretty into it (sometimes a little too into it), but its mostly fun. Logan was into it, too! He especially loved the Memorial marching band at half time. He loved it so much he wanted Nic (one of our leaders) to hold him because he could get a better view from Nic's arms! So cute!

(Note: McKala, we missed you, but I thought you would enjoy these pics of Logan snuggling with Nic!)

Logan and I left the game before it got too late, so I am home right now, awaiting John for the final score and details! Its a little hard to be at the game with Logan at this age because he wants to crawl around on the bleachers (eeeeek!), clumb the steps (no way!), and squirm all around. Not quite the same as having him in the Baby Bjorn for the whole game like last year...

This is Logan and I one year ago, before going to our first football game of 2007. Wow!
Only about 5 weeks old! What a difference one year makes!

Family Fun Zone

Today Logan and I went to Family Fun Zone at the Indoor Sports Center. I was trying to wait and go once the weather turned cold, but today we were in need of a distraction, so I thought we would check it out!

The turf is covered with toys, balls, jumpers, etc. The kids can run around or sit and play. It was really cool and I can just imagine that it gets pretty crazy during the winter.

Logan liked the blocks...

But he wasn't too sure about the jumper!

We Love Nana!

A huge thanks to my mom for squeezing a trip to Eau Claire in between two busy days! We loved having Nana spend the night - Logan was happy to see someone other than Mommy (especially Nana!). I worked hard for the money last night, so Nana got to spend all night with Logan and it was a special treat!

When mom left this morning I said "Thank you" profusely and she said "No, thank YOU. I just wish I could stay longer". Wow - we are so lucky to have parents who love Logan (and us) so much that they thank US for getting to spend time watching Logan and giving us a break. To all Logan's G'rents: you guys are the BEST!

Wednesday, September 17, 2008

New Things!

John is away for the rest of the week at a Regional Meeting in Illinois. So, Logan and I are getting by on our own! We had a fun day today and we're looking forward to Nana making the trip over to visit tomorrow!

It was a big day today because Logan went to the childcare nursery while I went to a new Strength Among Moms ministry (SAMmy's) kick-off. It was the very first time I have ever left Logan at a nursery or daycare! He did great and loved playing - up until I had to pull him away from the giant bin of Duplos when it was time to leave. I, however, did not adapt as easily. I dropped Logan off, then headed downstairs with all the moms for brunch and as soon as I told the first person I saw, "I just dropped Logan in the nursery for the first time...", it was waterworks! I couldnt' stop crying. Ugh - not surprising for those of you who know me well, but a little embarassing for me!

We spent the rest of the day napping together, taking a trip to the playground, reading books, and making dinner. A great day, but we miss you, Daddy!

"I think I'll text Daddy to tell him he should come home"


Logan loved the playground today and was rather upset when it was time to go home for dinner. He was digging holes in the woodchips, getting very dirty, but having LOTS of fun!

Dinner tonight was Pita Pizzas, another new recipe from my Deceptively Delicious cookbook. John got me this cookbook for my birthday and I love it! Logan loves everything I have tried and its a great way to get even more nutrients in his diet. These pizzas are so easy! A whole wheat pita with pureed spinach and tomato sauce, topped with a little mozzarella.

Deceptively Delicious...

or just plain delicious! Yum!

Monday, September 15, 2008

Wedding Pictures!

As promised...some pictures from Kyle and Ali's wedding day!

Our dresses were so cute! Love the bubble skirt and unique color.

It was pretty moving to see my little brother take his vows. I'm so excited for them!

This is not the best angle, but Logan's little Janie & Jack outfit was so cute for the wedding!
John and I were both so honored to be a part of the special day! It was beautiful!

Going to the Chapel...

My little brother, Kyle, and his wife, Allison were married on Saturday! It was so exciting! We all had such a fun extended weekend together, preparing and celebrating! Since John and I were both in the wedding, we don't have any pictures of the ceremony or reception yet, but I'll post some when I can!

We went to Stillwater on Thursday and spent the evening with some of my mom's family from North Dakota who came early, too. It was crazy! My cousin Jody has twin girls who are two, my cousin Chad has a 6 month old boy, and then, of course there was Logan, too! It was great fun!

Jody and Logan with his cart. He has the same thing at home and is seriously attached to it! He walks everywhere with it! He also wowed everyone by taking steps on his own!

Good thing Nana's house has no shortage of toys for all these little ones!

Friday was a nice day of shopping, lunch, and spa treatments! Ali was super organized, so most of the wedding arrangements were all set. It was nice to enjoy the day all together. After rehearsal, we had a nice dinner with all relatives and out of town guests, as well as the wedding party and their families. It was great!

So many guests traveled from far away! Including all of my dad's family: Kansas, Arizona, Louisana, Iowa....even Australia! Here's a big table of the Holbrook cousins...we had not seen each other since my wedding five years ago!

Kyle and Ali at the rehearsal dinner

One of the twins...Miss Olivia enjoying that yummy brownie with her daddy, Tadd!

Mr. Smiles = 6 month old Oliver! Such a cutie!

Logan teaching 5 month old Kinzy some tricks!

My sister Amy and her fiance, Andrew. They are getting married Oct '09, so that's the next big event on the calendar for the Holbrook family!

On Saturday, we were up early to begin with hair and makeup at my parents' house. Smart and Chic came with hairstylists and makeup artists. They were great! We had fun with it all and everyone looked great! Then it was off to the church to get dressed and take some photos before the ceremony.

We enjoyed a light breakfast while we were waiting for our turn...

Amy and I really looked like twins. Once we had our bridesmaid dresses on, our hair in updos...many people couldn't tell us apart! We wondered how many people thought: "I didn't know Kyle had twin sisters!"

Logan was such a trooper! It was a crazy weekend with so much going on and so many new people. He got to spend most of the day and the night with Grandma and Grandpa Eiselt! They took care of Logan while we got ready before the wedding, brought him to the wedding with them, and had Logan at their table for dinner. Then they took Logan home to sleep at their house and we went to pick him up on the next day at noon! He was having so much fun...he didn't even miss us! THANKS Bob and Deb for being such great babysitters!!

On Sunday, we all gathered at Kyle and Ali's house in Woodbury to join them as they opened gifts. It was fun to see their house all painted and full of furniture. It looks great and they have such a nice neighborhood. The community playground is awesome, so I think we'll have to take Logan there next time!

Logan helped Kyle with all the cards.

Having some wedding cake with Papa! Yum!

The wedding was so perfect, they had such a beautiful day with so many family and friends together. Now they get to start their new life together! Congratulations, Kyle and Ali!
We love you!