Logan is now 17 months old and its very rare that he will fall sleep with us anymore. Unless he is sick, we usually don't hold him past the sleepy phase. He falls asleep really well in his crib and sleeps from about 8pm-7am. Its great! We enjoying those long nights of sleep until baby kumquat arrives in June!
This week Logan has a little cold and today I didn't get him down for his nap on time, so we had a little trouble. I ended up rocking him in his room until he fell asleep and then I traveled downstairs with him and we sat for two hours. Logan slept like such a peaceful little baby and I watched some of the historical inauguration coverage on "mute". I cherish times like this because they are very rare moments with Logan as he gets older.
Jill, this picture is so sweet. There is nothing quite like a child sleeping in your arms :-)
Jill, this picture is so adroable! What a sweet boy! Congratulations on baby #2 as well - that is so exciting! Hope you are doing well!
- Shannon Caswell
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