Tuesday, March 18, 2014

The Norfolk Surprise

Finally, last weekend, I got to fly out to Norfolk VA to see Amy!  I had worked with my parents, John, and Andrew to coordinate a big surprise weekend for her golden birthday this year (28 on February 28th).  I was all set with John and my parents taking care of the kids, Andrew in on all the plans, and my bags ready to go...
Then the biggest snowstorm ever to hit the south cancelled my flights in and out of Charlotte, NC.  After trying for 6 hours, I was not able to get to Norfolk on the weekend we planned.  Major bummer is pretty much an understatement.  But...
I re-booked my flight for one month later.  Now it was no longer a surprise, but still an amazing trip!
Surprise!  About to board for my kid-free, sister-bonding weekend!

Made it!  Reunited!

Since I had some surprises planned for the actual surprise weekend, I just duplicated them for this trip.  I kept them a surprise so that Amy had something to look forward to!  We had amazing pedicures...with a glass of wine and all the spa like pampering.  Heavenly!

We went to the Mermaid Winery to enjoy a beautiful evening...

And enjoyed flights of wine before heading to Luna Maya for dinner...yum!

Look at me: kid-free!

In Colonial Williamsburg we strolled the streets, ate at a French restaurant...oh, and hit the outlet malls!  Duh!

Enjoying our French lunch.

And proof that Andrew was along and smiling, too!

Amy gave me a giant sock bun!  Because any kind of bun in my hair is giant...especially this one!

On my last night, I took Amy, Andrew, and their wonderful friends Jimmy and Haley out to dinner at PF Chang to celebrate Amy's birthday.  Just a little belated by now.  As Haley put it "Amy, I LOVE your birthday...it just keeps on going!"
Happy golden birthday to my sis who has always been the best!  Love you! 

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