Monday, March 31, 2014

Spring Break 2014

We spent spring break at home this year, no trips for us while John finishes school and uses all his vacation for trips to Fuller out in Colorado.  But, the kids and I did sneak away for some time in Minnesota with Papa and Nana and to give John some space to study and write papers.
Of course Nickelodeon Universe was on the wish list, so we made sure to sneak in a visit one morning.

Eden's favorite was the train.  She wanted to stay and use all her points on going around and around.  My mom and I took turns riding with her and the other one of us went around with the boys to their favorite attractions.

Back at home for the end of the week, Eden wanted to try on her swim stuff.  I was curious to see if it would fit, so I let her wear it around.  Its not even close to summer, but, she is pretty excited about her swim suit, so I'm hoping for some nice hot days this summer!

And we went and spent some time at the library and children's museum in town.  The museum has a whole new floor of exhibits, so the kids loved checking it out!

I'm grateful for time off school with the kids and the gift to be able to spend it with them!

Happy Retirement Dad!

Its finally happening - my dad is RETIRING!!  Its been on the table for him for a couple years, but this was the magic time when it all worked out for him.  We are so excited for him and we wanted to do something really special for him!  His last week of work happened to be a business trip to S. America.  He returned home on Saturday around noon and we were scheming a surprise for him!  Amy and Andrew flew home as a surprise.  Then we met up with Kyle, Ali, Amy, Andrew and our family of 5 to arrive all together at my parents house around 2:00 that day!  We knocked on the door and my dad was SO SURPRISED!  It was perfect!!
We just gathered for some snacks and drinks - my dad didn't know there were more surprises coming.

We had a couple gifts for Dad and mom had some gifts for him related to an upcoming trip to CA that she planned for him.

Then the next surprise arrived: a limo!!

Before Bob and Deb arrived to pick up the kids, they got to take a little spin in the limo!  So exciting!

Then the grown ups took for a fun night!!!  It was a great celebration all together and the best night!! Congratulations to my dad - the best and most hardworking man we've ever known!!  ENJOY!

Friday, March 21, 2014

A Little Spring Break Fun

Since I was away to Norfolk for the beginning of the kids' spring break, they were lucky to have an amazing time with Nana and Papa!  When I got home, we had Eden's birthday party and then spent a couple more days in Stillwater for some spring break fun!  Of course that included a day at the MOA!  The kids got new shoes, we had lunch at Nordstrom, and we played at Nickelodeon Universe!
Eden liked the merry go round for about 1 minute.

Bennett loved it and Logan was on board, too!

Eden didn't go on many rides, but she did love this train and wanted to keep doing it over and over!

The boys always have a blast and are such buddies.  Thanks to Nana for going with us!

Wednesday, March 19, 2014

Eden's Party

 We decided to have a party with grandparents in Stillwater and picked a day when the kids were off school.  Bob and Deb came over to my parents and Kyle and Ali made it too!  Eden was excited to have another party!  The boys were so excited too!  Thanks to my parents for hosting.
 Birthday girl!

 Yummy cake!!  Eden almost snitched a little finger full of frosting but I caught her in the act.  :)

This girl loves taking her photo.

Party time!

 Popcorn - one of Eden's faves.

The boys kept busy coloring activities while we waited for everyone to arrive.

First we opened gifts and Eden is sure a super lucky girl!

Frozen movie and Frozen dolls.

Princess Sophia collection

 And a giant box of magna tiles because apparently our two other big boxes weren't enough to keep three kids form fighting over them!

Love those pigtails!

Kyle and Ali got Eden this Carebear "Harmony" and she LOVES it!

Smiles with Baggie

She blew out her candles again, no problem!  What a span of birthday celebrations for Eden!!  Lucky girl!!  We are really the lucky ones - so glad we get to be Eden's family!  She's a blessing!

Tuesday, March 18, 2014

The Norfolk Surprise

Finally, last weekend, I got to fly out to Norfolk VA to see Amy!  I had worked with my parents, John, and Andrew to coordinate a big surprise weekend for her golden birthday this year (28 on February 28th).  I was all set with John and my parents taking care of the kids, Andrew in on all the plans, and my bags ready to go...
Then the biggest snowstorm ever to hit the south cancelled my flights in and out of Charlotte, NC.  After trying for 6 hours, I was not able to get to Norfolk on the weekend we planned.  Major bummer is pretty much an understatement.  But...
I re-booked my flight for one month later.  Now it was no longer a surprise, but still an amazing trip!
Surprise!  About to board for my kid-free, sister-bonding weekend!

Made it!  Reunited!

Since I had some surprises planned for the actual surprise weekend, I just duplicated them for this trip.  I kept them a surprise so that Amy had something to look forward to!  We had amazing pedicures...with a glass of wine and all the spa like pampering.  Heavenly!

We went to the Mermaid Winery to enjoy a beautiful evening...

And enjoyed flights of wine before heading to Luna Maya for dinner...yum!

Look at me: kid-free!

In Colonial Williamsburg we strolled the streets, ate at a French restaurant...oh, and hit the outlet malls!  Duh!

Enjoying our French lunch.

And proof that Andrew was along and smiling, too!

Amy gave me a giant sock bun!  Because any kind of bun in my hair is giant...especially this one!

On my last night, I took Amy, Andrew, and their wonderful friends Jimmy and Haley out to dinner at PF Chang to celebrate Amy's birthday.  Just a little belated by now.  As Haley put it "Amy, I LOVE your just keeps on going!"
Happy golden birthday to my sis who has always been the best!  Love you!