Thursday, August 25, 2011

Summer Sweet Summer

Summer went by so fast that we didn't have a chance to do everything we thought we would.  At the beginning of summer, John and I said, "We can go to music in the park every Thursday this year!".  Well, summer proved to be busier and more exhausting than we thought but the kids and I did meet up with friends for a picnic at music in Phoenix Park on the last Thursday of the summer!

 There were so many people out enjoying the beautiful night - it was great!  

 The boulders are the kids' favorite spot...

because they are so fun to climb!

 Thanks to Kelly, William, and Julia for spending an evening with us at the park!

We also spent a lot of time at parks this summer.  Once school starts, many of the best "parks" (aka: school playgrounds) have more limited access so we've enjoyed lots of mornings and afternoons exploring!  Both boys have really grown and have many new skills at the park this summer!  The park was a lifesaver during showings while our house was for sale!  We could just pack up and head out!
 Bennett's favorite way to travel this summer is the backpack!  Its pretty hot on hot days, but if it keeps him happy, its worth it!  :)

 Logan attempts to scoot to the park, but I usually end up carrying it half of the way.

 Bennett is a great climber...sometimes it makes mom nervous.

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