Saturday, August 27, 2011

Pickin' Corn

I started working a few shifts back at Starbucks this month and while I worked a Saturday, John took the kids to pick sweet corn with Mollie and Aubrey.  It was a perfect summer day, much better for picking corn than making lattes :).

 John got the boys all packed up and set for the journey by himself...he is becoming quite the Mr. Mom when I'm at work a couple mornings a week.  John said, "I even remembered the camera so I could take photos...I knew you would like that!"  He is right, I am happy to have the adventure documented, as always.
They picked up Mollie and Aubrey on their way... 

Everyone had fun picking corn and it was the BEST sweet corn we've ever had! 
Bennett is reminding us a lot of Logan these days...he seems to be looking more like his brother despite eye color and hair color.

Obviously, Silly Logan is having a great time picking corn with friends!
Way to go, SuperDad!

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