Thursday, August 18, 2011

Logan's 4th Birthday!

We had a fun day on Logan's birthday!  John brought home a surprise of some cool balloons the night before, so we tied them on his chair to surprise him in the morning.  I made banana bread for breakfast (his favorite) and Papa & Nana even paid us a visit in the evening!  Its good to be FOUR.

We let Logan open a few gifts before John left for work.

Logan had been asking for "his Thomas game" for a week.  He found it at the bottom of the Target cart under the groceries and everything else when I bought it.  What a little snooper.  It didn't seem to matter, he was just as excited to get it as if he didn't know!

I gave Logan a lot of choices of what to do for his special 4th birthday.  He wanted to spend the day at the Children's Museum, so that's what we did!  
 We had the whole day open, so we spent as much time as the boys wanted - 
exploring every room at the museum.

 The water exhibit is always fun.  Bennett even wore an apron (for the first few minutes)!

 The boys love pretending at the drive-thru bank window.  They don't care so much about the money, just the lollipops we usually get from our bank.

 Postman Logan

 The boys ran a busy kitchen and sure fed me well!

 In the toddler park, Bennett likes to climb the tree house and then yell for me...not sure if he wants help or if he is just proud of himself for being up high.

Birthday Boy love... 

Happy Birthday, Logan! 

 The boys both napped like champs after a long morning at the museum.  After naptime, we went to meet up with Papa and Nana for Logan's Birthday dinner.  He got to choose what he wanted for his birthday dinner and he chose to eat at Red Robin (can't beat that mac & cheese!).

 After a yummy dinner, we headed home for presents and cake.

 Logan got so many neat presents from my parents and Kyle & Ali and Amy & Andrew.  He also got another few special presents in the mail, too!  Thanks to everyone!

 Since Logan doesn't like cake, he requested brownies for his birthday!

 No problem blowing out those FOUR candles!

 After cake, we got to have some playtime downstairs before  P & N had to head home.  
Here's the guys checking out under the hood of Logan's new Jeep.

Papa and Nana head out for their trip to Alaska this weekend, so we were happy to see them before they go!  Special thanks for making the trip over to celebrate Logan's special day!

Happy 4th Birthday to our very special Logan - you're getting so big and we're so proud of you every day!  We love you!

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