Thursday, June 2, 2011

Coming soon...

Bennett's SECOND birthday is just around the corner...can't believe its here!  Saturday and Sunday we'll celebrate, but, as usual, we don't have a party planned.  So, in an attempt to celebrate - just a little - with family and friends, I sent out this photo today...

The attempts at getting this photo were many and desperate.  I realized very late last week that I didn't have any photos to send.  Yikes!  I still had to take the photo, edit, order, receive, address, and send the birthday announcements!  Oh no.  So, I was determined to get something.  Anything (ok, maybe not really anything) to send!  Here is the speaks for itself!

"No pictures, mom"!

Logan singing "happy birthday" to his underwear, of course!

Hmmm...this is not working!

Downward dog yoga pose!

We changed venues and I retreated to BRIBES!  See the M & Ms?!

This is actually the final photo, but I cropped it in picnik so you can't see the M & Ms bribery.  Sneaky me.

Logan had to have his turn...he is SO ready to be FOUR!  This photo is so funny...Logan and I look at it and love to LAUGH!  He is so funny with his crazy expressions!

Think of Benny on Sunday...his big day!

1 comment:

Holly said...

This is adorable Jill! The pictures of the process are awesome...they capture 2 years old perfectly! Happy Birthday Benny!