Monday, June 13, 2011

Bennett's Two Year Stats

Bennett's two year appointment was pretty uneventful - thankfully!  He passed all his screening and seems to be right on track with development.  Bennett often seems behind when we think of his speech, but Dr. Gilmartin reminded us that we compare him to Logan who was super quick at speech development.  We were happy to see Bennett is right on par!

Bennett weighs 27 lbs 5 oz (40th percentile) and is 34 3/4 inches tall (57th percentile).  He's a pretty skinny, lanky kid so far!  His head, of course, is in the 98th percentile!

Leading up to Bennett's appointment, he developed a rash (the day of his birthday party) - possibly a reaction to his first doses of antibiotics.  We were happy to see that rash quickly disappear and not return.  However, just a couple days after his 2 year check, he developed a new rash.
So, I called in to the pediatrician and we figured this was another antibiotic reaction.  We discontinued his antibiotic then, since his ear got a clean bill of health at his two year check.  We had a lot of doctor visits for Bennett...we started his second year with a bang - hope we're all done for this year!

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