Thursday, June 30, 2011

Cars 2

We went to Cars 2 on opening weekend with our dear friends, Mollie and Aubrey.  M & A are 24 and 22, but they love our kids, so they wanted to experience our first movie outing!  It was all hyped up - we even got special kids' popcorn and cool cups of water...what a treat!

Logan all set for the show!  Unfortunately, this was as excited as he got.  He was not really a fan of Cars 2.  I knew right away when the movie opened on a dark and stormy sea that it would not be a good one for us.  Only about 2 minutes in, Logan said, "I don't know, Mom...."  Then, after reassuring him through the whole show, at the end he said, "Is it over? Can we go now?" with relief in his voice.  I guess it wasn't the best idea for our little ones.

We cheered up right away after the show, enjoying the displays in the lobby.  We could have just visited the theatres for the displays, I think.

Cool Man Logan!

Their favorite was the big paintings on the outside of the theater: McQueen and Mater!

After the show we enjoyed our favorite summer treat: Summer Snow!  The best shaved iced ever (also owned by our friends Mollie and Aubrey!).

Mmmmm good!

1 comment:

Mike and Sarah said...

My kids didn't like the movie either. William thought it was scary and Grace wanted to leave as soon as it began. Very disappointed with Pixar.