Sunday, February 6, 2011

Weekend Visitors

We had a nice quiet weekend at home!  It feels rare for us to have a weekend at home without too much going on.  Besides a couple short commitments, we were free to enjoy the weekend!  The boys played outside, I had my first small group study with the YL girls, and we even had friends over!

Adorable Miss Avery came over and brought her parents, too!  We had a lovely dinner, a great time catching up on all that has been happening in life, and the kids loved playing!

Avery loved reading books on the little Potterybarn chair (I'm sure she'll have her own soon!) and she kept trying to steal hugs from Bennett.  Here he is on an escape route from the affectionate hugger.

Thanks, dear friends, for the lovely visit (and yummy dessert!).

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