Monday, February 21, 2011

Snowed in...Again!

We were snowed in...again.  Yesterday we got about 15 inches of snow in Eau Claire and today brought another 4 inches so far.  What to do on a day when we're stuck inside and its too blustery for these little ones to handle the outdoors?  A bath.  At 11 am.  It was their idea and it was a good one!  They loved playing and splashing around until they were "pruney".  Nothing like a bath before lunch to make for sleepy boys and great naps.  Mommy like.  :)

1 comment:

Mary said...

What a great way to pass the time! I am glad to see Bennett is liking his bath!!! Hope you aren't stuck at home too many days this week!! I cleaned out the driveway twice today so we have our share of snow, too!!
Love, NANA