Saturday, January 1, 2011

Happy New Year!

Can you believe 2011 is here?  Each year passes in a blur, yet with so many memories to be thankful for!  We welcome 2011 with many goals and wishes for our family, our boys, each other, and ourselves.  We pray that this year will be blessed for each of you!

We ended 2010 with our second year in a row going out to a movie while my parents came over to watch the boys.  It was lovely to have a little date to end the year.  Thanks, Papa and Nana!  I made these hats for the boys and we only got Bennett to wear his for a couple quick seconds.  

Logan liked his hat and we even got a little parade going before bedtime.

This morning, to welcome the new year, we had three friends over for a yummy brunch!  The kids didn't disappoint, entertaining us all after brunch.  Here is Logan "taking a call" from Nana.

Logan sang some songs about Baby Jesus (that's Baby Jesus: the blue and white puppy?!).

Then we had to give everyone a show with our family parade.  Mommy and Logan on sticks and bells (and yes, that's "Baby Jesus" I am holding, of course) and Daddy and Benny bringing up the rear with scarves and cymbals.  Ha!  We had all our kids-less friends this morning think twice about adding crazy children to their family any time soon! (Thanks to Mollie, Aubrey, and Nic for putting up with our crazy house and celebrating the new year with us!)

We had to get a quick family picture - our ONLY family photo during the whole of the holidays.

We wish you a SWEET year!

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