Thursday, December 30, 2010

Baby Snuggles

My very dear friend, Carrie had her baby girl in November and I got to meet her yesterday!  Carrie flew home to Stillwater with almost-6 week old Rebecca while her husband, Josh stayed home in Grand Rapids, MI to work.  We got to meet for a light brunch and lots of catch up time.  My parents watched the boys so that I could get in premium snuggle time with the baby.  It was great!

Rebecca is so tiny - just about 9 pounds at 6 weeks (that's smaller than our kids at birth, haha!).  I couldn't get over her crazy black hair - it was so cute!  She looks just like her mommy.  :)  I love remembering how little babies are and how much changes so quickly.  I am so excited for Carrie and Josh to begin the awesome journey of parenthood!  Congrats, Ranums!

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