Thursday, January 13, 2011

Sports Tykes

Last night Logan started a new lesson called Sports Tykes at the Eau Claire Indoor Sports Center.  After skating lessons at during the first half of winter, we decided to try another organized lesson for Logan.  He really enjoyed the idea of skating lessons and liked skating with John, but when it came time for John to leave the ice and Logan to stay to skate with the teachers, he usually clammed up.  I think he just needs more comfortable lessons to build up some confidence before we hit the ice for skating lessons again.  He and John have been going to open skate and that seems to be the best intro to the ice for him for now.

I found the Sports Tykes advertisement in the Family Times and thought it would be perfect for Logan.  Sure enough, he LOVED his first lesson last night.

After a little soccer with the parents, they did some parachute games.  All the kids are 3-4 and the teachers were really great with the kids.

Then they did some throwing with bean bags.  I thought these photos were so funny.  Clearly Logan was so excited - he couldn't stand still.  Pretty characteristic of a 3 year old boy, I think.

Then Logan played catch with his new friend, Brayden.

They even got to jump in the jumping castle for a few minutes before class was over.

Then at the end they circled up and did a little team bonding.  So cute!  Logan was sure to tell us right away that he LOVED this and it was SO FUN!  I am really happy to be in this class each week because I think its just the kind of thing that Logan will really enjoy.  He will also learn some kicking, passing, throwing, catching skills that will be really fun!  Hooray!

PS- Logan just told me that they said "Kangaroo!" really loud when they were in the huddle.  Haha!

1 comment:

erickson family said...

fun! i want to be in a class like that! :)