Monday, January 24, 2011

Fun in the Sun

We were in Mexico last week and it was awesome.  As usual!  It was fun to be with everyone, to play in the sand and water with the kids, and to be warm.  Of course, all good things must end.  So, we are back to frigid temps and snow, but with lots of great memories and with our tanks a little more full.  Here's to next year....

Tuesday, January 18, 2011

Logan - Three and a Half

Logan is quickly coming up on three and a half.  Pinch me.  I can't believe his next birthday will make him four.  In fact, he has already started telling people that "this year he will be four".  When he was born, I remember holding him and thinking preschool, potty training, and writing his name were lightyears away.  And now, here we are!

Logan likes to have things orderly - like these magnets on the fridge.  Who does he take after?? (Hint: not me!)  He also likes to cheese it up for the camera these days!

Logan continues to be such a good natured and sweet boy.  He has really taken to being the big brother, the protector, the helper.  We have tried not to force him into those roles but it has been really interesting to see him take some responsibility over Bennett - helping and protecting him.  Bennett clearly wants to be just like Logan.  They love to play together and I've been seeing more time where they love to entertain each other.

School is one of Logan's favorite things.  He can't wait to go on Tuesdays and Thursdays.  He loves his friends from school and all his teachers.  We are lucky to have Logan at Noah's Ark - it really is a special place.  We've really seen Logan open up this year and start trying more new things at school.  He started the year as more of an observer, but has quickly become more adventurous and outgoing.  His teachers from Camp Come & Play last year said he has really grown a lot!

Re-enacting one of the favorite books du jour: "Ten in the Bed".

Logan favorite things are cars, trains, and books.  He likes his fair share of videos when we let him watch, too.  He has started to know many books by heart and will read them to us and Bennett.  Its so cute to hear his expression when he reads and tells a story.  He has a wild imagination and is constantly making up stories about his family and our adventures.  Sometimes I wonder what stories other people might hear about us!

Logan loves to sing and dance - we find a lot of joy in hearing him sing song from school and dancing around the house.  He reminds us quickly of how great it is to be a child.  Logan is the light of our lives!

We put all the animals in bed while Logan pretended to be the little boy. Bennett just snacked.  He's a snacker, what can I say.

I was instructed to "take a picture like I'm sleeping with all my animals".  Told you he was a cheeser!

Can't wait to see what's in store for Logan.  He's a very special boy!

Thursday, January 13, 2011

Sports Tykes

Last night Logan started a new lesson called Sports Tykes at the Eau Claire Indoor Sports Center.  After skating lessons at during the first half of winter, we decided to try another organized lesson for Logan.  He really enjoyed the idea of skating lessons and liked skating with John, but when it came time for John to leave the ice and Logan to stay to skate with the teachers, he usually clammed up.  I think he just needs more comfortable lessons to build up some confidence before we hit the ice for skating lessons again.  He and John have been going to open skate and that seems to be the best intro to the ice for him for now.

I found the Sports Tykes advertisement in the Family Times and thought it would be perfect for Logan.  Sure enough, he LOVED his first lesson last night.

After a little soccer with the parents, they did some parachute games.  All the kids are 3-4 and the teachers were really great with the kids.

Then they did some throwing with bean bags.  I thought these photos were so funny.  Clearly Logan was so excited - he couldn't stand still.  Pretty characteristic of a 3 year old boy, I think.

Then Logan played catch with his new friend, Brayden.

They even got to jump in the jumping castle for a few minutes before class was over.

Then at the end they circled up and did a little team bonding.  So cute!  Logan was sure to tell us right away that he LOVED this and it was SO FUN!  I am really happy to be in this class each week because I think its just the kind of thing that Logan will really enjoy.  He will also learn some kicking, passing, throwing, catching skills that will be really fun!  Hooray!

PS- Logan just told me that they said "Kangaroo!" really loud when they were in the huddle.  Haha!

Wednesday, January 12, 2011

The Simple Life

We have decided that this year will be as simple as possible for us.  We will be intentional about putting our priorities in the right order: 1.God;;; 4.friends,life,experiences.  We are going to rejoice everyday about what we are so luck to have: 1.grace and love from God; 2.a wonderful marriage and so much love for each other; 3.two amazing and healthy little boys...the list goes on and on.  Focusing on all of that makes the rest of life seem pretty easy - pretty simple.  This week we've been enjoying the simple life...

Logan loves to play on the snow mountain in the back yards with the neighbors.  He also loves to shovel and help John with anything snow-related.  Bennett is not much of a fan of being bundled up outside yet.

Young Life takes a small hiatus in January which means no Monday night club.  With John home on Monday nights, he has declared "Movie Mondays".  The motivator: if the boys are good listeners and good sharers all day, they get to cozy up for a video with Daddy before bedtime.  I have to admit - I love it.  They are so cute and the boys really relish in the time when John is home ("Daddy, are you gonna be home all night long?!").

Life is not always simple, in fact, for us, its been quite complicated.  But, we are remembering to put ourselves in check, keep our priorities in line, and to put all our trust, worth, and faith in God.  It feels good.  We have a GRAND adventure coming up and we're so looking forward to a little rest and relaxation.

Tuesday, January 4, 2011

2011: A great year ahead

We think we have a great year ahead and we've had a great time ringing it in this week so far!

Wearing those new year's hats one more time.  Cute, right?

Logan loves the camera.  Bennett loves his food.  Simple.

Sometimes the kids wear underwear on their heads.  Its entertaining!
Don't you love how Bennett looks up to Logan with such admiration...even with undies on his head?!?!?!?  Precious (maybe only actually "precious" to their own mother).

 Our espresso machine broke down on Dec 31, 2010...and still isn't working.  My life is a little more drab without my lattes in the morning.  Call me dramatic.  Luckily, I have a super handy husband who values espresso almost as much as I do and is therefore working toward a speedy solution on our trusty machine.  Let's hope 2011 brings lots more lattes to this house (with kids wearing undies on their heads, you know I need it bad!).  Hope the new year is treating you all well!

Saturday, January 1, 2011

Happy New Year!

Can you believe 2011 is here?  Each year passes in a blur, yet with so many memories to be thankful for!  We welcome 2011 with many goals and wishes for our family, our boys, each other, and ourselves.  We pray that this year will be blessed for each of you!

We ended 2010 with our second year in a row going out to a movie while my parents came over to watch the boys.  It was lovely to have a little date to end the year.  Thanks, Papa and Nana!  I made these hats for the boys and we only got Bennett to wear his for a couple quick seconds.  

Logan liked his hat and we even got a little parade going before bedtime.

This morning, to welcome the new year, we had three friends over for a yummy brunch!  The kids didn't disappoint, entertaining us all after brunch.  Here is Logan "taking a call" from Nana.

Logan sang some songs about Baby Jesus (that's Baby Jesus: the blue and white puppy?!).

Then we had to give everyone a show with our family parade.  Mommy and Logan on sticks and bells (and yes, that's "Baby Jesus" I am holding, of course) and Daddy and Benny bringing up the rear with scarves and cymbals.  Ha!  We had all our kids-less friends this morning think twice about adding crazy children to their family any time soon! (Thanks to Mollie, Aubrey, and Nic for putting up with our crazy house and celebrating the new year with us!)

We had to get a quick family picture - our ONLY family photo during the whole of the holidays.

We wish you a SWEET year!