Sunday, December 12, 2010

Winter Blast 2010

We had quite the weekend - as did most of Western Wisconsin and Eastern Minnesota!  It was a huge blizzard that greeted us early Saturday morning and dumped a grand total of 22 inches of snow in Eau Claire!  I have never experienced a snowstorm quite like this when we were literally stuck in our houses from snow drifts.  Our boys left EC on Thursday after Logan's preschool to spend a few days with Papa and Nana before another big trip abroad for Papa.  Well, needless to say, Papa couldn't leave on his trip, and we could get out to pick up the boys until today.

The banks along the front walk.

When we finally got around to leaving our house today, John had to use our snowblower on the street.  Even after clearing a partial path, our neighbors had to push us down the street for the Highlander to make it through.  We went for brunch with friends before heading to I-94.  Downtown, there were a few more streets plowed, but we had to park a few blocks away from Donnellan's home and hike the rest of the way through the snow.  It was an adventure!

Our hike in the 3rd Ward.

1 comment:

Mike and Sarah said...

a snowy weekend, just you and your hubby. i'm so jealous! glad you got to the boys safely.