Saturday, November 6, 2010

Trip to the Theatre (via the ER)

Today was such a fun day!  We went to the Eau Claire Children's Theatre for the first time!  "If You Take A Mouse To School" was the show we saw this morning and both the boys really enjoyed it.  We've been reading the book at home this week, so they were pretty excited to see the mouse on stage today.

We had such a nice morning at home and a completely clear day on the calendar (WOOHOO!).  We enjoyed breakfast together and a leisurely morning at home before we got ready to leave for the theatre...

Of course, in true Eiselt fashion, we couldn't have the morning continue on so calmly...

While I was inside getting just a few last minute necessities into the diaper bag, John was keeping the boys occupied playing a little hockey in the garage when he hit his head on a bike hanging from the ceiling.  He cut the top of his head open and was bleeding everywhere!  There was so much blood we couldn't tell how deep the cut really was.

So much for the nice leisurely morning.

Now we had to frantically load up the boys, get John a rag for his head, and go to the Emergency Room on our way to ECCT!  We were laughing on our way there because its our first fun outing as a family and our first free Saturday in ages now we're heading to the ER!

Luckily, John was able to just run in at the ER and tell them what happened and that we were on our way to the theatre so they sent a nurse out to take a look.  The kids and I stayed in the Swagger Wagon and Logan just kept saying "Daddy really should remember to duck under the bikes when we play in the garage".  Haha!  John's head was ok...not too deep of a cut.

So...we were off to see the mouse!  Hooray!

Bennett just woke up from a little cat-nap.  We had to bribe him to sit still with licorice.

Logan was so happy to be at the theatre and really loved it!

Cute little Mouse!

1 comment:

Mary said...

What a cute mouse. I am glad the boys loved the play. Everyone looks so handsome and jill looks very pretty! John, you should wear a helmet when you are playing!! Glad your injury wasn't in need of stitches! Love, NANA