Friday, November 12, 2010

Fire Station Field Trip

Yesterday was Logan's class field trip to the fire station!  Of course, this was much anticipated around our house.  It was a really fantastic day for a field trip and John got to accompany the class since it was a young Life holiday yesterday.  Actually, I am not sure who enjoyed the field trip more...Logan or John.  When you see the photos below, you will understand why!

John was the only dad along on this field trip so when they asked for a volunteer to try on the fire fighter suit, John said all the moms just looked at him like, "of course!".

John had these four kids in the Swagger Wagon with him, which means you are their "grown up" for the field trip that day.  John had his hands full!

Both Logan and John were pretty excited that Daddy was wearing the gear!

The kids learned all about the trucks and the fire station.

John said Logan was so excited the whole time, he could hardly contain himself.

Sitting in the truck was a highlight!

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