Monday, November 1, 2010

Halloween 2010

We had so much fun on Halloween!  After a long weekend of having a very cranky and sad Bennett, we all needed a little fun!  John and Logan went to church on Sunday morning while I stayed back with Bennett who was napping at that time.  For some reason, Bennett was sad or upset and had a rough weekend.  So, we thought sleep would be best.  The rest of the day we spent playing outside, enjoying the mild weather and waiting for "trick or treat time".

Papa and Nana came over with some special Halloween treats.  We all ate dinner together and then got ready with costumes!  Logan couldn't wait to wear his spider costume and go trick or treating!  John and I learned that at three years old, Logan is starting to really understand and look forward to holidays and special events!  I wasn't sure if Bennett would wear his owl costume for long, but he loved it!  I'm sure it helped having Logan in his costume at the same time.

We went outside for some photos and then Papa and Nana stayed at our house to hand out treats while we were out.

This is as close as we got to a photo of the boys sitting together.

Logan was such a cute spider!  He was sure to tell everyone that he is "a friendly spider"!

Bennett was adorable and didn't flinch at his costume one bit!

It was funny to watch the boys running around the yard in their bulky costumes!  They thought it was funny, too!

Trick or Treating hours are 5:30-8pm in Eau Claire so we started right at 5:30 when it was still light out and not too chilly.  John is the pumpkin carver in this house...he does a good job!

Logan LOVED trick or treating!  He did a great job of saying "trick or treat" and "thank you" at each house!  We just ventured down our street and then back on the other side.  We got home before it was too dark and busy.

Bennett walked for quite a while and then John carried him.  Our friends, Mollie and Aubrey came along to walk the neighborhood.

Bennett couldn't resist a treat...after the second house!

So much fun!  One year, John and I hope to have costumes, too!

We ended up back at our house where Papa and Nana were handing out treats for us.  I think our own house was the boys' favorite stop.

John and Mollie going through treats with the boys.

We all enjoyed some treats together!

The boys both chose lollipops for their special treat.

What FUN!

1 comment:

Mike and Sarah said...

super duper cute! i'm glad the boys had fun.