Sunday, October 17, 2010

Loco in Mexico

Logan and Bennett are two lucky boys!  They traveled with me, Auntie Amy, Papa and Nana to San Jose del Cabo last week!  A week of fun in the Mexican sun was a great break from the routine for all of us!  We are all so grateful for a fabulous, relaxing week.  I am thankful for all the help from Amy and my parents - making it really feel like a vacation for me, too.

All in all, the trip went smooth.  The boys were good travelers.  The weather was perfect every day.  We slept and ate well.  But, we did miss Daddy.  Its nice to know he'll be along next time we cross the border.

Here are some photos and highlights from our great trip!

The arrival is just breathtaking.  This was my favorite view.  I kept thinking that if John and I were on a trip alone, we would sit on the chairs on this island.  Maybe someday...

Building a sandcastle on the beach.  Logan's goal was to "build a sandcastle with a moat with Papa".  The sandcastle was great, but the water for the moat just kept soaking into the ground.  Luckily, Logan was ok with the fact that water wasn't staying in the moat.

This boy was fearless in the water!

And has the wrinkly feet to prove it!  Most days, we spent all day in the water.

Amy took special time each day to swim with Logan.

He loved floating, swimming, kicking, and jumping with Amy in the pool!

Bennett in his little floater.

Logan and Nana hanging out in the shallow water.

Bennett napped on one of the cabana beds every day - in the buff.  I have considered bringing this tradition home...he sure did nap well.

The boys bathed in the super big tub each night with lots of bubbles and it was FUN!

Logan really loved learning all about new things: palm trees, the beach, cacti, etc.  "Thumbs up" for this little Logan-sized palm tree!

P & N with the boys.

Mommy and the boys.  Bennett was pretty pooped out already...

Logan and Amy together at dinner.

Here's Bennett ready for another day at the pool!  I stopped in to do a load of laundry before heading out to our spot.  He looked so cute in the stroller, as always.

Logan skipped his nap a couple days and this is what happened....rarrrrrr.

Playing in the pool...

with Papa and Nana is the best!

Mommy and Logan floating.

Logan giving Mommy a ride on the tube.

View from our condo.

The boys found this special shelf in the pantry...just their size.

I was lucky to get some time enjoying the sun and a book - thanks to all the help from Amy and my parents!  Woohoo!

One last visit to the beach!

Before we left the resort.

THANKS!  What a wonderful week!

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