Friday, October 1, 2010

Annual Fall Playdate

Today was our annual fall visit from my good friend, Sarah, and her two children.  Ever since Sarah and I had our boys (just three weeks apart), she has taken a Friday in October to drive from Minneapolis to Eau Claire to spend the day.  She always comments on how beautiful the drive through the valley is while the leaves begin to change.  We look forward to every visit from the Careys!  This year, Kim and adorable Avery joined us, as well!  Kim lives in River Falls and is always willing to make the trip to Eau Claire!  We are so grateful for our friends who travel to see us!  The day was a blast!

The kids played like mad!  They loved it!  I was worried it would be a little chaotic at our house with all five kids now being mobile.  It was actually great!  This is proof of the madness!  The mommies sipped lattes while the kiddos took over the house!

Before long, it was time for lunch.  Gracie 19 months), Bennett (16 months), and Avery (14 months) joined the mommies at the big table while good buddies Logan (born Aug 17) and William (born July 24) ate at the "big boy table".  They were so fun to watch - playing imaginary games all day long.  I wish we lived even closer so the boys could play more often!

After lunch, we moved downstairs to play.  Once again, the kids were having a ball!  While all of the mommies sat in the seating area and the kids were busy playing, we all said, "This is so GREAT!".  It was wonderful to see our children all playing so nicely and to have some time to catch up with good friends.

The fury of five kids and an endless supply of toys!

I had to get this sweet little photo of Grace in the hockey helmet and skinny jeans!  Such a dichotomy!

Thanks for the visit Agrimsons and Careys!  We love you!

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