Wednesday, June 2, 2010

The Children's Farm 5

Our last day at The Children's Farm on Monday, May 24th.  I am just now getting around to posting photos...its been a little crazy lately!  We were sad to have our farm class end, but we are so thankful we were able to experience it!  It was so wonderful for Logan and his confidence and independence really grew during the four weeks we were in class.

The Children's Farm is only a little more than five minutes from my parents' house, so it was perfect to drop Bennett off and head to the farm with Logan.  Bennett got to have some special time with Nana while we were at the farm.  We were always back to the house for dinner and baths.  Then each week we got to see Papa and Amy before we headed home in the car - both boys would fall asleep for the drive after a busy day.

There was a special new feed bucket full of grain for the piglets!  Logan wanted to be sure to feed the pigs and hens on the last day.  After a month, he knew just what to do and was very independent.

Logan with the hens.

Having a conversation with the calf:
Logan: "Hey big guy!"
Calf: "Moooooooo!"
Logan: "Are you hungry? Do you want me to get some food or are you just drinking your baby bottle still?"
Seriously!  It was so cute!  Logan really befriended the animals and grew to love them and know them well.

Of course we had to rake some hay for the horses Felicia and Midnight.  Logan loved those wheelbarrows so much.  I'd love to get one for him!

It was blistering hot so they had some great activities set up to keep the kids cool.  This water table was a big hit!  

There was also a big group painting set up on the side of the barn, in the shade.  Logan left his mark.

He hadn't sat on the tractor...until now.

Look at all the activity in the garden!  The garden was a little shaded by the trees, so it was a good spot to be out of the sun.  Logan always loved being in the garden.

Checking on the beans we planted earlier...

Digging, of course!

I got this sweet picture of a grandfather/grandson who were in our class.  Unfortunately, they left early because of the heat and I was not able to get their email address to send the photo.  I thought this was so cute.

We explored in the sandbox (also in the shade!).  Logan just loves playing in here.  He even rescued a few spiders (yikes!).

The zip line!  Logan did a great job trying, but he wasn't quite able to hold himself up.  When he is older, he will love this!  Maybe we will get to take another class at the farm.  If not with Logan, I hope to go back for the same experience with Bennett when he is old enough!  

1 comment:

Mary said...

What a wonderful experience for Logan and you! I am just so happy it was something Logan could experience especially after we saw how he loved it. Hopefully he and Bennett will be able to attend more summer classes as they grow.
Love you guys, Nana