Tuesday, June 8, 2010

Bennett Turned ONE!

We had a great time celebrating Bennett's first birthday on Saturday!  He was born at 8:12am and we up awake to remember the moment Dr. Dovre said, "Its a boy...another big baby boy!".  Hard to believe Bennett was an infant at this time last year.  Now he is walking a little, talking a little, laughing a lot and keeping us all very busy!

We were about to embark on our big summer adventure, so we spent the night at my parents' in Stillwater.  It worked out well because we got to have a little birthday breakfast for Bennett with my whole family before we had to leave on Saturday.

Goofy picture, but Bennett's "1" shirt was so cute!  Thanks, Rachel!

Fun Family Photo!  Bennett was luck to have some special people for the morning of his birthday party.  Amy (Andrew is on the road playing baseball this week - we missed him!) and my cousin Jody and her husband Tadd (visiting from Minot, ND) were there to help celebrate...

Kyle and Ali came to enjoy breakfast with us, too!  Bennett loved hanging out with them - he couldn't get enough of Kyle.  

I made some giant muffins for Bennett and my dad made his famously delicious pancakes.  Bennett enjoyed both, I think...as did the rest of us!  Of course, Logan was a big helper when it came to Bennett's birthday.  He helped with the candle.


Practicing walking...

Logan was also a big help with the presents.  He had to help Bennett open each one.  As usual, Bennett didn't have much attention span, but special thanks to all for the very nice gifts!  Logan understood it was Bennett's birthday and now calls Bennett "a big baby", instead of a "tiny baby".  Logan also thought that the day after Bennett's birthday he was already "one and a half".  Not quite, but the concept is there!

Bennett also got to face forward in his carseat for the big trip up North!  Big boy!

B was pretty tuckered from all the partying and no morning nap.  He's Mr. Moo (B) and Mr. Moose (L) just chillin in the back seat as we left for the adventure of a lifetime!

When we arrived at camp, we got to meet lots of new friends and after dinner, we celebrated with a mini party for Bennett.  What a lucky boy!  We shared Cookie Pops with all our new friends at camp and they were a huge hit!  Good thing because my sister, Amy, and I were awake making them until 1am the night before.

Cookie Pops!

Logan helped hand out the special treats while Bennett dug into his first cookie with gusto!

Playing games!  I don't even know what Logan does, but Bennett loves it and its their little game.

"What a great birthday!"
This this messy face and shirt means the birthday was a great success!

Check back soon for more camp updates!


Mary said...

Love the pictures of the boys. So glad you are able to update the blog at camp! Have fun!! We miss you already!! Love, NANA

erickson family said...

Happy Birthday Sweet Bennett!!! Henry rode in his car seat today forward for the first time. He thought he was pretty cool stuff. :) Can you believe you have two "boys" now?!