Friday, June 4, 2010

Another Milestone

Tomorrow we will mark Bennett's first birthday!  I honestly don't know where the time has gone.  We've been so busy keeping up with the boys that this year has passed in an instant.  What a wonderful year it has been.  The transition from one child to two children was great for us - Bennett has been such a joy from day one!  He is such a little ham: always smiling, flirting, cuddling, and cooing.  He really has been a perfect baby.

I suppose I will have to stop referring to him as "the baby" soon...not yet, but soon.  I'm convinced Bennett's first word is "Mama".  He sure does say it a lot to me (or to get my attention!)...we'll see if it continues.  Bennett is going to walk on his own any day!  He LOVES to walk holding our hands or pushing anything that will move.  He also loves to climb and recently mastered the stairs.

Bennett wants to do everything Logan does - I hesitated buying any new toys for Bennett for his birthday because he is happy to play with whatever Logan plays with.  They are starting to play together more and more.  They have certain games they love to play - especially playing in Logan's room and climbing around on his big bed on the floor.

Once again, we will be driving for the first birthday!  As a mom, I seem to feel the need to celebrate the first year and because we won't really have a party, I sent out these photos of Bennett (click here to see Logan's bday announcement) and hope that you will think of him on his big day!

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