Wednesday, September 2, 2009

Special Day

Today was such a special day!  I traveled to my friend Kim's house in River Falls to spend the day with her and her new baby girl, Avery.  Our good friend Sarah drove from Minneapolis to meet us and spend the day with us, too.  It was so special to have the whole day together.  It seems that over the last several years its been hard to find enough time to catch up and really talk about life and all that's going on.  Today was the best chance we've had to do that in a long time.  The only kids around were sweet little baby Avery (and I do mean little: she's only about 8 lbs at 6 weeks old!) and Mr. Bennett (who decided last week he doesn't like a bottle anymore and has not left my side since!).  Sarah's kids were able to be at their daycare while she took the day out of the office.  Here's a photo of us from Sarah's blog last winter after he daughter, Grace was born and we were all together (along with our friend, Carrie, who is doing her medical residency in MI with her husband - Happy Anniversary, you two!).

We enjoyed coffee (thanks Sarah): talking about old times and old friends; lunch (yum!): talking about everything babies; and holding eachother's little ones.  I hope we get more and more chances to spend time together like this as our kids grow up together.  Kim, thanks for letting us come over and spend the day in your beautiful home.  Love you both!

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