Monday, September 21, 2009

The Big Shower

Sunday we threw a huge shower for Amy and Andrew at my parents' house in Stillwater.  Both sets of parents and Kyle's wife, Ali, all helped me plan this fun couples shower.  We had tons of great food and got to see so many friends!  It was a great afternoon of celebrating A & A's upcoming wedding!

My Aunt Shirley and Uncle Myron are the first extended family to meet Bennett!  Of course, Bennett got lots of snuggles in!  Shirley and Myron came all the way from Minot, ND to be at Amy's shower!  It was wonderful to see them and spend some extra time with them on Sunday night and Monday morning.  We're looking forward to seeing more of the Thompson family in a month for Amy's big day!

Goofy Bennett having fun with Amy and our good friend, Jenna.

Andrew and the ladies!  Melissa and Jenna are both bridesmaids, so we'll be spending lots of time together prepping for the wedding.

To give all the parents the chance to visit with friends for the evening, we took over kitchen duties.  Kyle and John ran the grill (42 burgers and 20+ brats for this big party!) while Ali and I ran the indoor kitchen.

Nana never had both hands free - not with Logan around, no way!  He had to be in on the action with his Nana!

Nana even made time for a little baseball when Logan asked (more like demanded!).

Showing off his athleticism!

Logan and Andrew's little cousin, Lizzi, hanging out with the big girls...and loving it!

Ali and I made lots of desserts and Logan was happy to indulge!

Nana had a little time for Bennett, too!

Opening presents at a shower with 50 people in attendance is a big task, but Amy and Andrew did a great job (and had some good helpers, too!).

When Logan got tired of helping with gifts, Melissa read him a story (she's a teacher, can't you tell?!).  He hunkered right in for this good book.

Only one month to go!  We're all so excited!

Taking a break from the chaos and watching the game with Uncle Kyle.

We had so much fun seeing lots of old friends - many of my parents' friends who lived in Belgium at the same time as us were present, which is always a special treat!  Thanks to everyone for your help celebrating!

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