Friday, September 25, 2009

Nana's Visit

My mom came over yesterday to spend some time with me and the boys.  Logan and I got to go to music class by ourselves while Nana watched Bennett at home.  It was so special!  As Logan and I were driving in the car to class, I realized it was the FIRST TIME since Bennett was born that I have gone out with just Logan.  It was some special Logan-Mommy time that was long overdue.  We had a great time at music class and sang all the way home in the car!

Bennett sure was happy to have some one-on-one time with Nana!
Logan is usually a bit of a "Nana-hog"!

I had a doctor appt and mom offered to keep both kiddos (brave!), so for about an hour and a half, it was just Nana and the boys!  I think it went great!  Bennett even entertained a bottle for a couple sips, which means there still may be hope!  Then after Logan's nap, Nana and Logan played so Bennett and I got to rest.  It was a great day and we're looking forward to more visits from Nana once the busyness dies down a little bit. 


Bennett just found his feet in the last couple weeks.  He loves to grab them and hold on, rocking from side to side!  I remember that phase from when Logan was this age!  So cute!
Here I think he was trying to get his toes...almost!

Thanks for the visit, Nana!

Wednesday, September 23, 2009

Teething? Yes, I think so!

I mentioned that Bennett was teething and I think these bubbles are all the proof you need!

 Bennett is a major bubble-blower.  I used to wonder what was wrong, but I think its just something special about my boy!  Its not uncommon to see him with these little bubbles hanging off his lips.

Monday, September 21, 2009

The Big Shower

Sunday we threw a huge shower for Amy and Andrew at my parents' house in Stillwater.  Both sets of parents and Kyle's wife, Ali, all helped me plan this fun couples shower.  We had tons of great food and got to see so many friends!  It was a great afternoon of celebrating A & A's upcoming wedding!

My Aunt Shirley and Uncle Myron are the first extended family to meet Bennett!  Of course, Bennett got lots of snuggles in!  Shirley and Myron came all the way from Minot, ND to be at Amy's shower!  It was wonderful to see them and spend some extra time with them on Sunday night and Monday morning.  We're looking forward to seeing more of the Thompson family in a month for Amy's big day!

Goofy Bennett having fun with Amy and our good friend, Jenna.

Andrew and the ladies!  Melissa and Jenna are both bridesmaids, so we'll be spending lots of time together prepping for the wedding.

To give all the parents the chance to visit with friends for the evening, we took over kitchen duties.  Kyle and John ran the grill (42 burgers and 20+ brats for this big party!) while Ali and I ran the indoor kitchen.

Nana never had both hands free - not with Logan around, no way!  He had to be in on the action with his Nana!

Nana even made time for a little baseball when Logan asked (more like demanded!).

Showing off his athleticism!

Logan and Andrew's little cousin, Lizzi, hanging out with the big girls...and loving it!

Ali and I made lots of desserts and Logan was happy to indulge!

Nana had a little time for Bennett, too!

Opening presents at a shower with 50 people in attendance is a big task, but Amy and Andrew did a great job (and had some good helpers, too!).

When Logan got tired of helping with gifts, Melissa read him a story (she's a teacher, can't you tell?!).  He hunkered right in for this good book.

Only one month to go!  We're all so excited!

Taking a break from the chaos and watching the game with Uncle Kyle.

We had so much fun seeing lots of old friends - many of my parents' friends who lived in Belgium at the same time as us were present, which is always a special treat!  Thanks to everyone for your help celebrating!

Friday, September 18, 2009

Busy Week!

This week was the kick off to all our fall activities!  It was super busy and a little bit of a change, but we did well and enjoyed seeing all our old friends and meeting new friends, too!  Playgroups, SAMmy's, and music class got us up and out of the house early most mornings.  Logan would have liked to keep playing in his pj's most mornings, but I think we all enjoyed the routine.  I can tell this fall is going to be VERY busy, but also very fun!  I'm excited for all that is to come!

After music class, which we're taking again with our friends Kelly and William, we went to the park together to enjoy the beautiful September weather!

William has gotten so big and independent!  

Logan has gotten really good at walking and running on the wobbly bridge!

 And he loves the slides...after the silde boycott of the early summer, he has mastered all slides!

"Wee!  Hold on!"

15 weeks!

Our little Benny Boy is 15 weeks!  Time sure is flying by!  A few of our most favorite things about B:
  - he sleeps 9 straight hours each night (sometimes 10!...and he's been doing this since about 6 weeks old)
  - he loooooooves to snuggle
  - he is so quick to smile...often just a touch on the toe or a glance his way sends him into giggles!
  - he knows and loves his big brother

Of course, there are a million more things to love about Benny.  I really think he is the sweetest baby ever.  He is really easy going and really happy all the time.  I think teething has begun because he is constantly drooling and bubbling at the mouth.  He would be right on track with Logan's teething schedule if that is the case. 

So serious!

Little smirk!

I just like this photo because it shows how long Bennett legs are!

Even smiling during tummy time.

Thursday, September 17, 2009

Smiling for Mom

 I had John snap some photos of Bennett and I the other night because B was so smiley.  We were having so much fun singing and talking together.


Wednesday, September 16, 2009


We have quite the household of "fix-its" these days.  Logan loves to "fix-it" - pretty much anything.  So whenever John is working on a project, Logan has to be right by his side.  The most recent project was replacing the washer pump in the big car.

Assessing the problem

 Making the plan

"No, Daddy, I'll do it" - one of Logan's favorite sayings these days.

Partners.  Buddies.

I'm pleased to say the washer is working perfectly in the car now...thanks to my handy boys!  Logan is going to be a boy not afraid of a challenge after helping his day with so many projects.  Way to go!

Tuesday, September 15, 2009

Outside Fun

We've been creative this summer with things to keep Logan busy outside.  His latest fave: painting with water.  Well, really he loves anything with water, but this seems to be the best.

Logan also loves to use his watering can (or mine), but our flowers all died way bay in July when we were gone for a week, so now he just waters the empty planter!  Sad!

Logan's favorite things to draw: his name and "silly guys"!

He also likes to dunk his hands, feet, or shoes in the water.  But he always asks first, "Hands in, Momma?"  Of course!

Sunday, September 13, 2009

Our Castaway Weekend

We had such a special weekend!  The four of us packed up our entire house (almost!) and left Friday afternoon to spend the weekend with our Young Life leaders at Castaway Club in Detroit Lakes, MN!  Every year, Castaway hosts "Leadership Weekend" for staff and volunteer leaders to plan, pray, train, and fellowship together and kick off a great year of ministry.  As always, we jumped at the chance to spend a weekend all together at camp.  Young Life is such a special organization and we love that our kids get to be impacted by such loving, faithful people starting at such a young age.  Logan and I had not been to YL camp since our month-long stay at Timberwolf Lake in Michigan in Summer '08.  It was Bennett's first trip to camp (Logan had already been TWICE by the time he was Bennett's age!).

We drove to Northern MN and met our awesome EC leaders at camp Friday night.  The boys and I didn't get to attend all the festivities (staying back for bedtime, naps, and sanity!), but we enjoyed running around camp, meeting new friends, seeing old friends, and ramping up for a great year of YL!

This is Bennett hanging out playing with Mr. Lion on the bed while I got a few things ready for the day on Saturday morning.

Meanwhile, Logan was more than happy playing cars.  He could play with his Matchbox cars - literally - all day long.  He is so funny: lining them up, driving them around, talking to them, making up stories.  I love to watch!  PS - Thanks for the Vander Top family for this wonderful addition to our toy repetoire!

This is how Logan walked around camp for most of Saturday while we were out and about!  We had a big yummy breakfast in the dining hall with everyone (about 300 leaders in attendance!) and then we went to club where we got to sing and see the "silly guys".  After club and lunch we ran around camp checking everything out.  This was Logan's first trip to camp where he can really explore and start to check things out.  He was loving every minute of it!  So much that we postponed his nap so he could keep on going!

If you asked Logan where he was going, he would say, "School!"  He knows kids wear their backpacks for school because we often see kids in the neighborhood walking to and from the elementary school with the backpacks on. far as I am concerned, the more excited he is for school, the better, so we'll keep encouraging it!

One of Castaway's newest features is a giant swing!  It looks like so much fun, but it doesn't take much for me to loose my marbles, so I didn't attempt it this time.  We had fun watching a few people take the plunge - especially Logan, who couldn't believe how big that swing was!  One of our leaders, Ryan is there helping out with the swing - he worked on the swing during the month of June when he volunteered at Castaway for Summer Staff.

Look at Logan's reaction to the giant swing!

The new and improved climbing wall was right next to the swing, so Logan gave it a try!

A natural!

John and I couldn't believe how Logan really went for it!  Way to go buddy!

Every year in May, Castaway hosts "Work Week" where volunteers come to help the camp with projects and preparations before the camping season begins in June.  This year, I was about a billion month prego, so John went just for a couple days.  In a neat turn of events, my dad was able to go with John to help out at camp and see some of the behind the scenes action at YL camp. My dad and John helped build this retaining wall - here's the finished product!

Always lots of sweet hugs for daddy!

The grounds at Castaway are so beautiful!  Breathtaking!  The little boy in this photo is pretty cute, too!

Bennett spent a lot of time snoozing, as usual, but I think he liked all the action and all the attention!  Everyone at camp loves kids and babies!

Somehow, when we arrived at camp, they didn't have a suite reserved for us in the big house, but they were able to find a room with a queen bed and bathroom for us.  Whew!  It was a little tight, to say the least!  Logan's little aero bed was wedged in the corner by John's side of the bed and Bennett's crib was half-stuffed in the closet!  It turned out to work just great for us and we were just happy to be there!  Bedtime was a little tricky with me in the room along with both boys - in the pitch dark, but we managed!

Logan likes to read his own bedtimes stories these days.  If Bennett is lucky, he gets some stories read to him by his big brother.

Always kisses goodnight

Once the kids were asleep, I went out to the living room to find our group of friends from EC hanging out!  I was so happy they had come to the big house to hang out so that I could spend time with them all while being close to our sleeping babes.  We had snacks, talked, and LAUGHED until way too late!  :)  It was so much fun!  We are so excited about the wonderful team of leaders (this is only a handful of the leaders we have on the YL teams this year) we will be working with this year!  Thanks for making the weekend so much fun!

This morning was so great!  Logan woke up and crawled in bed with John and I and then Bennett woke up and he got to come snuggle with us, too.  All four of us in a tiny bed was so fun!  We just giggled and tickled and enjoyed a lazy morning together before the 9:30 breakfast.

The boys still in bed while Mom and Dad started to get up and ready.  Bennett looks totally huge in this photo!  And, Logan has his cars, of course!

Good times at Castaway can't be beat!  We're looking forward to many more as our kids grow!