Sunday, June 14, 2009

First Weekend

This weekend was our first weekend home with Bennett! It was great! We got to spend a lot of time all together doing some fun things and just enjoying being home. We even got a special visit from Sarah and Grace. John and I both found ourselves in disbelief that Bennett will be 10 days old tomorrow. It sounds crazy, but they really do grow up fast!

Saturday morning in Mom and Dad's bed!

Bennett only has a couple "newborn" sized outfits, so I am going to try to wear them out while he still fits in them! So cute!

One of our favorite things about Eau Claire in the summer is the Farmers' Market. We have a great market in a great venue. Phoenix Park is really cool, right by the river, and the market is always wonderful! This Saturday was our first chance to go and we were excited to stumble upon the Open Air Festival as well! We spent the morning walking through the market, buying some veggies, listening to music, and having a treat. We also bumped into a few friends along the way and got to introduce them to Bennett, so that was fun!

Eventhough Logan does not look happy, he was really enjoying the backpack! John used it a lot this weekend for trips to the park and walks. Logan didn't last the whole time in the backpack, he opted for the stroller after a while.

Open Air Festival at Phoenix Park

This afternoon my good friend Sarah drove from Minneapolis with her 4 month old daughter Grace to meet Bennett. She came bearing yummy food for us...I don't know how she does it being a very busy working Mom of two, but she somehow found time to spoil us with her yummy cuisine! We had a quiet visit (John was out at graduation parties with Logan) and it was lovely to catch up! Grace is a beauty and growing up so fast. I can't believe that in four months Bennett will be big like Grace! Time really does pass quickly.

Our sons, William and Logan are just three weeks apart. We're looking forward to our kids being friends as they grow up!

Bennett is doing great - eating and sleeping well! He is still in that supersleepy newborn phase (and I'm not taking that for granted!), so awake moments are pretty rare. Honestly, I don't know how Bennett sleeps a wink with Logan running and screaming all around the house! I guess Bennett will learn to sleep through just about anything! I just love to see those steel gray eyes...will they turn to dark brown like Logan's?? We've been taking every chance we can to hold and snuggle with Bennett now before he gets too squirmey!

Some rare, awake moments tonight. Babies are just the best...all their cute little movements and noises - its amazing how quickly you forget all those precious things about a newborn!

Logan and John checking out the neighborhood before bedtime. It was a beautiful night tonight. We were lucky to have great weather to enjoy this weekend! John and Logan have been two peas in a pod lately - going everywhere and doing everything together. Its been so awesome to see Logan be just like his dad. I love it! It will be an adjustment this week when John goes back to the office part time (he will still take part of the week as vacation to help out and he promises me he will only be a phone call away if I am in need!).

Waving at Bennett. Logan is sure to tell us when Bennett is awake: "WAKE!! Baby wake!"

1 comment:

Mary said...

Great pictures, Jill! How do you find the time?? We all love seeing and hearing how the boys and the parents are doing. It looks like things are going good for you! Love you, NANA