Monday, June 1, 2009

4, 3, 2, 1....but who's counting?

Yes! Baby week is here! We are looking forward to meeting our little one this week...I'm counting down (but I've been counting down for a while now!). About 5 weeks ago (34 weeks prego), people starting saying, "Any day now, huh?". I would just have to grin and say "Hopefully!". Then 3 weeks ago, I was in Stillwater, walking across Main Street on a bustling Sunday afternoon with my mom, sister and Logan when someone yelled from their car, "Sure hope that baby is coming soon - like today!". Oh my gosh. Seriously?! My neighbor told me this weekend she has never seen anyone carry a baby as far out as I do. Well, what can I say...its my not-so-hidden talent, I guess! Anyway, I think its definately time to have this baby!

We have been really busy around here, wrapping up loose ends before the baby arrives. Our next door neighbor said "Oh cute, John is nesting!". John has really been working hard to make sure everything I want is complete and we're all set. We're getting so excited and just can't wait to meet this baby!

Everyone is asking us about names, but we've been back to a blank slate for a while now. We still have a couple girl names we like (Nora, Lucy), but boy names have been debated. My favorites (Bennett, Lucas) aren't John's favorites (Eli, Max), so its going to be a big surprise and hopefully it won't take us too long to name the baby when he/she arrives!

As for the next couple days, we are basking in our time with Logan, enjoying his supersilly nature. He is so vocal and we're really thinking that will be to our benefit when the new baby comes home. Logan is just a riot and keeps us laughing all day long. We've been enjoying the beautiful weather, spending lots of time all together outside.

Logan likes to find the baby - by lifting up my shirt. Its ok at home, but in public its a little weird!

I was actually thinking this week that I'm not as big as when I was pregnant with Logan, but after seeing this photo of myself, I am not so sure!

Please pray for a safe delivery and a very healthy, happy baby! Thanks to everyone!

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