Tuesday, June 9, 2009

Introducing Bennett Lucas!

As planned, we welcomed Bennett Lucas into the world on Friday, June 5th at 8:12 am. He was born via c-section, perfectly pink and screaming. Another healthy big boy at 9lbs 3 oz and 21.5 inches. What a blessing to be greeted by another sweet, healthy baby boy! We couldn't be more thrilled! I know our friends and family have been waiting for this blog post, to see pictures of our new little boy...its a little scattered, but its the best I can do right now in the "baby fog". We'll try to keep up...

Our first meeting as a family after the birth

Our perfect, big boy!

Bennett looks like Logan, but they have some differences that we were quick to point out. Bennett seems so small to us - ironic considering he is 9 lbs!

This was Friday afternoon, Logan's first meeting with Bennett. He wasn't too sure about the hospital setting, but was very interested in "Baby". Logan was lucky to have both Papa and Nana to wear out all weekend long while we recovered in the hospital. Logan had so much fun and was such a good boy for them. Whew!

Logan seeing Bennett for the second day, on Saturday. We had lots of visitors on Saturday and it was so special! Aunts and Uncles Kyle & Ali and Amy & Andrew; friends Josh and Kim from River Falls, our friend Carrie from Michigan, and a few of my girlfriends from bible study and music class. It was so special to have friends share in our joy!

On Sunday we had a quieter day, which was good for rest for me. Logan came again and really warmed up to Bennett...

"Kuckles" - Logan wanted to give Bennett "Knuckles" - already bonding as brothers!

Enjoying some of his many gifts, Logan doing a new puzzle with Daddy.

All set for the big trip home! Monday was such a long day, waiting for all the checks we needed before being discharged. We couldn't wait to get home to be with Logan!

Logan welcomes Bennett home

All together! I was really emotional getting home, being with Logan. Its so special to start our life as a family of four.

Papa and Nana stayed just for a little bit once we got home. They did such a great job caring for Logan all weekend. We enjoyed some time together and John's parents visited for a bit in the evening before bedtime.

Logan said, "wash" and held out his hands. We knew that meant he wanted to hold Bennett, so we washed up and Logan got to hold Bennett for the first time!


Me and my boys!

Logan was even sure to give Bennett a bedtime kiss.

This is how we've spent most of today...sleeping. So precious!

Logan came down with a high fever shortly after bedtime on Monday so we've been fighting that today. We think its related to his incoming two year molars and are praying its over quickly. Luckily, John is able to tend to Logan while I mostly tend to Bennett. Its so hard for me not to be able to give all my attention to Logan when he's not feeling well, but its all part of the adjustment, I guess. Nana came back after an SOS call today, so we have helping hands.

Thanks for all your prayers leading up to Bennett's birth! We continue to pray to healthy development for both our special boys!


McCarthys said...

Congratulations, Jill and John! What a precious little boy! Let me know how everything goes with two!

Love, Lindsay

Carrie Ranum said...

Congratulations Eiselt Family! He is so adorable! Hope everything is going well! Love ya!
