Saturday, March 28, 2009

Happy 1st Birthday, Will!

This was quite a week! I spent some time at the doctor running tests - which all came back clear - so baby and I are doing just great! Then Logan mysteriously came down with pink eye. John was super busy at work (especially after having to be off unexpectedly on Wednesday to be with me) and had a YL friend in town helping with some consulting work on growth in our area this weekend. So, we're running a bit ragged, but looking forward to a relaxing day tomorrow (fingers crossed!).

Today we got to attend Will's birthday party! Logan and I take a music class every Thursday with Will and his mom, Kelly. Then we usually go out for lunch with the boys and spend some time hanging out. They are become great friends! I was so glad we got Logan's pink eye under control enough for it not to be contagious anymore because we have been talking about the party ("paaaateeeee") all week! It was so fun to celebrate Will's first birthday and meet some more new friends!

Logan was in love with this spot with all the toys! This little window seat was so much fun that I couldn't even get Logan away to enjoy some yummy lunch!

Of course, I couldn't get both of the boys to look at me at the same time!

Logan also loved Will's lawnmower. It was a little short for him (those long legs!), but he had fun pushing it all around. He knows Kelly pretty well now and he had to show her all the cool gadgets on the lawnmower. Other kids' toys must always be more fun than your own, right?

My friend, Shannon, introduced Kelly and I last summer. This is her little 9 month old girl, Lili rolling around on the floor in her party dress. Logan kept laughing at her when she was rolling around...I think Logan is going to be pretty surprised when he has a new baby living in his house in couple months!

The Birthday Boy!

I had to get a picture of Will's Elmo cake! Kelly made it using a special cake pan and lots of food coloring! It was so cute and all the kids love Elmo, so it was a huge hit!

Such a happy little birthday prince! He wasn't sure what to do with his cake, though he did eventually take a few gobs of frosting!

Shannon with Lili, Kelly with Will, and me with Logan (and the lawnmower he wouldn't let go of!). We don't often all see each other anymore because Shannon works four days a week, so we took the opportunity to get a photo.

1 comment:

Mary said...

It looks like Logan was loving the party and the new toys! Love, NANA