Tuesday, February 24, 2009

100 Days (and counting!)

Tuesday marked 100 days away from Baby K's arrival! Oh boy (or will it be "oh girl!"??)! We are getting so excited! In the last two weeks, I feel like I have become very pregnant: growing a bigger belly and feeling the baby at all hours! My lap is starting to get smaller and its getting harder to ignore the baby bump when picking up Logan, carrying the laundry basket, and playing on the floor. Thankfully, everything seems to be going great and we are so looking forward to meeting this new little one! We do have some names narrowed down (and a few others on our list as well). We still have girls' names leftover from when we found out we were pregnant the first time, so those were easy to come up with. The boys' names are a little harder this time around, but you can see them on the right hand side of the blog under "Choice Baby Names!". Enjoy!

25 weeks!

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