Tuesday, February 5, 2008

Yummy in my tummy!

Logan eats rice cereal! At Logan's 4 month appointment, Dr. Gilmartin, our pediatrician suggested starting Logan on rice cereal sometime before 5 months to get him used to using his tounge and lips around a spoon. Well, we were pretty excited to see what Logan would do! So, at 4 1/2 months, we gave it a try!

Logan LOVED it right away! Which, as far as we know, is pretty unusual. He licked everything right off the spoon, was grabbing for the spoon when we would take it away, and cried when it was over! Crazy boy!

He couldn't get enough!

"What are you lookin' at? I told you I could eat real food!"

Logan has had cereal a h andful of times over the last couple months. He loves it! We go in for our 6 month check-up and I'm pretty sure the Dr. will give us the go-ahead to start baby food...whoa! I'm sure Logan can't wait!

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