Monday, February 25, 2008

Friday Fun

After a busy week and last weekend's leader retreat,
John was able to take Friday off so we got to start the weekend early!
The weather was "nice"...a balmy 34 or something,
so we took Logan out for some brisk air and a ride in his sled.

We had to bungee Logan in...that snow suit is slippery!

The snow in the yard is so deep we had to push Logan and he kept sinking deeper...

So we took advantage of our quiet neighborhood street and that was much more fun!

Arctic baby

We really wanted some pictures of the high snow banks so we can show Logan how much snow there was the year he was born.
Its been a long time since John and I can remember this much snow!

Then we warmed up inside and played a little music. Logan loves listening to Daddy play the guitar. I like to think he was trying to make a little music with his rattle here, but I think he's mostly just eating it (as usual!).

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